First Kiss

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You and Liu (and Sully) were currently in your room, watching Black Butler. You giggled at Ciel, who was now dressed like a girl and in a dress. Liu chuckled and shook his head, cuddling you. "You really like Black Butler, don't you?", he asked and you nodded, giggling. "I love this anime, I have all the comics too", you pointed to a box and he pouted. "Sebastian isn't better looking than me is he?" (Yes), he asked and you giggled, shaking your head. "Nope, I don't think so", you giggled and he smiled, kissing you softly. "Good, or I'd have to take all your comics and burn them". 


You and Sonic were currently in his game again, because  he wanted to show you something. You ignored all the animal carcasses and blood, following Sonic. He led you to an area that was surprising clear of blood and carcasses. He had set up a little picnic, making you blush. "Who knew you would actually do this", you joked and he flipped you off, before kissing you. "Shut up and sit down". 

Lost Silver

You and Silver were currently sitting out on your roof, staring at the stars. "They're amazing aren't they?", you asked and he smiled, looking up at them. "Ye-yeah, they a-are". (NO STUPID ROMANTIC MOMENT FOR YOU, THAT'S OVERUSED) You giggled and smiled, pointing to a shooting star,"look!" He looked and smiled, closing his eyes and making a wish. You did the same and opened them again, looking at Silver. "What'd you wish for?", you asked and he smiled, kissing you. "T-that". (OKAY MAYBE ONE OVERUSED MOMENT) 

Dr. Smiley

You two were currently in his 'office' as he looked over his paperwork. You were sitting in a chair, messing with his tools. "Be careful", he warned, not even having to look up. You pouted and stuck out your tongue, making him get up and walk over. "Did you really just stick your tongue out?", he laughed and you giggled, shrugging. "So what if I did", you joked and he kissed you. "I can't believe I'm dating such a childish girl", he joked. 


You two were currently at your house, sitting on the couch. Usually you'd be out at a club, but you insisted staying home. He pouted and leaned back,"this is sooooo boringgggg", he complained and you giggled. "Then find something to do, AND NO DON'T EVEN SAY ME", he pouted and crossed his arms. "Dammit", he mumbled before kissing you. "That'll have to do, for now". 


You two were currently in your kitchen, making cookies. He was frosting them while you were sprinkling on the sprinkles. He stuck his tongue out in concentration, making you giggle. He pouted and smeared frosting over your lips, making him laugh. You pouted and looked at him, making him groan and kiss it off. "Don't even start pouting". 

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios! Pt 2 unfinished And Wont Be Finished-Where stories live. Discover now