He catches you singing

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Thanks to @chanbien for the idea! Absolutely NO HATE for any of the bands or songs, I will delete the comment and block you. 


You were doing dishes and listening to BOTDF's song 'Bewitched' and hummed along quietly. After about 20 seconds, you began to sing quietly then began to scream the lyrics (not literally scream, but sing really loudly) and swayed side to side, putting away the dishes. You glanced at the door and jumped, dropping a plate. "Nice singing" "Yeah, sing some more" 


You were cleaning your room and decided to put on some music. You grabbed your phone and plugged it into your tv with an aux and turned on F.I.R's song 'I'm not a vampire', before picking up your clothes. You danced to the beat and smiled lightly, singing along. You continued for a bit, not noticing how loud you had gotten until the song was over. "Didn't know you could sing", Sonic smirked and you threw a pillow at him. 

Lost Silver

You were currently doing laundry while listening to P.T.V's song 'A match into water' through your headphones. You continued to fold up the clean laundry, when you began to sing quietly to yourself. You continued quietly, grabbing the basket of clothes. You glanced at Lost and began to blush immediately, but he smiled. "Si-sing, I l-like it" 

Dr. Smiley

You were cleaning Devin's office for him and listening to S.W.S' song 'your nickle ain't worth my dime'. You sang loudly, not giving a fuck who heard. You continued and danced along, putting his tools where they needed to be. You finished the song and heard someone clap, making you turn around. "Yes, I heard the whole thing" "Good"


You were currently listening to BOTDF's song 'sexting' while making food for yourself. You sang along quietly under your breath, flipping your grilled cheese. Offendy suddenly began singing along, making you blush lightly. You continued on with the song, until it finished. "I think we sound good together", he smirked and you smacked him softly with your spatula. 


You were listening to Jeffree Star's song 'I'm in love (with a killer)' while vacuuming your room. You sang along loudly, since you thought you were alone. Well, you weren't. Dark was standing in the doorway, listening and smirking. You continued to sing until the song was over, making Dark walk over. "In love with a killer huh?", he smirked and you rolled your eyes, giggling. "Shut up". 

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