When he's jealous

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Thanks to Coolgirl99932 for the idea! 


You and Liu (and Sully) were sitting on the couch, watching 21 Jump Street. You laughed at the hallucinations, Liu doing the same. "Wow, I love Channing", you giggled and Liu stopped laughing. He glared at the tv, before throwing his knife into it. You were about to scream at him, when he hugged you tightly. "Mine". 


You and Sonic were walking around outside, talking about random things like favorite color, animal, ect. You continued to walk down the sidewalk, when a teenager about 16 wolf whistled. Sonic glared at him, walking up to him. "Who the fuck are you?", he hissed and the boy shrugged, smirking. "That's not important, what is important is me getting her num-", he didn't even get  to finish his sentence, because Sonic had snapped his neck. "She's mine"

Lost Silver

 You and Silver were at the movies, eating popcorn and watching Mocking Jay part 2. You watched in excitement, as Silver chuckled quietly at your changing expressions. You looked at him and stuck out your tongue jokingly, before turning back to the movie. You felt someone tap your shoulder, so you turned around, as did Silver. "Can yo-oh, you're cute", a guy smirked and Silver got up, glaring. "S-she's mine, t-touch her and yo-you die". The dude widened his eyes and quickly found somewhere else to sit. 

Dr. Smiley

You and Smiley were operating on a male patient, who was cute, but you'd never say that in front of Devin. "Scalpel", he muttered and you gave it to him, watching the patient begin to wake up. He slowly looked at you and smirked, winking. He quickly widened his eyes and screamed, looking down at his stomach. Devin had stabbed his guts (ew) with his scalpel. "She's fucking mine". 


You and Offendy were chilling at a club, laughing and talking to people. A guy walked over and began to flirt with you, clearly making Offendy jealous. He picked the dude up with a tendril and threw him, wrapping his arms around your waist. 


You and Dark were sitting outside, at the park, when he got up. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go get you something warm to drink", he said, before walking off. You watched and giggled, before glancing at a dude that sat next to you. "What's your name?", he winked and you rolled your eyes. "Taken", you hissed, watching Dark walk back over, hot chocolate in his hands. "Leave or fucking die, take your pick", he hissed and you watched the dude run off. 

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