Asking you out

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You were currently walking around town, at night. (SPONGEBOB REFERENCE) You kept looking behind you because you were 100% certain someone was following you. You sped up a bit, getting a bit frightened. You heard footsteps and quickly turned around, noticing it was Liu. "O-oh.. Hey..", he spoke and you waved slightly. "Why are you following me?", you asked and he sighed quietly. "Because I-" "We" "-We wanted to make sure you were okay", they both spoke and you nodded slightly. "Oh.. Thanks..", you told him and he smiled slightly. "So..Do I have to keep stalking you or can I walk with you?", he joked and you giggled. "Come on", you continued to walk and he followed. "Ask her already"
"I'm working on it"
"Do it now or I will do it for you", what the hell were they talking about? You looked at them and raised an eyebrow. "I-" "WE" "-WE wanted to ask you something..", he spoke quietly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Go ahead", you told him and he blushed lightly. "Do you maybe wanna go out with m-" "US GOD DAMMIT" "Us?...", he asked quietly and you smiled lightly, nodding. "It'll be weird but sure".


You were at home, sitting on the couch watching ridiculousness and eating pizza rolls. You giggled at the show, not noticing Sonic chilling behind you. You ate the rest of your pizza rolls, waiting for the commercials to come on so you could put your plate away. After a few minutes, it switched to commercials so you got up and turned around. You jumped and raised an eyebrow, looking at Sonic. "How long have you been here for?"
"Long enough to hear that snort"
"Shut up", you told him and walked into the kitchen. You heard him follow, but ignored it. You put your plate away, jumping when he wrapped his arms around your waist. "So, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. Yes? Perfect", he answered for you and kissed your cheek.

Lost Silver

You were in your room, blasting Skillet on your CD player and dancing to it while cleaning. Currently, it was playing Never Surrender. You continued to dance, while picking up your clothes off the floor. You continued, twirling and all that fun shit (Idk don't judge). You heard a quiet chuckle come from behind you and quickly turned around. Lost was sitting there, watching you. Your cheeks began to heat up, he saw you dance! "N-nice dancing", he complimented making you cover your face. "Why are you here?"
"Be-because I w-wanted to s-see you", he smiled and you tilted your head.
"You wanted to see me?", he nodded and you smiled lightly. "I-I also w-wanted t-to ask y-you so-something..", he spoke quietly and you smiled lightly.
"And that is?"
"D-do you w-wanna d-date me?..", he spoke so quietly you barely heard him. You smiled and nodded,"sure".

Dr. Smiley

You were still with the man, but you were curious about something. "Hey, what's your name?", you asked and he smiled lightly under his mask. "Dr. Smiley or Devin (true story)", he answered and you nodded. "I'm calling you smiley", you decided and he chuckled. "That's fine", he shrugged and laid you on your stomach, lifting your shirt. "What's the problem?", he asked and you sighed. "Constant back pain", you replied and he poked around it. "You have two options. Date me and I fix it or I 'fix it'", he told you and you raised an eyebrow. "Fine, whatever"
"You need surgery by the way"


You were back at the club, but this time you brought your friend along. You made her promise not to leave you again, which she did. You sat at the bar, but guess who was there? That's right, creeper dude. "Hello~", he spoke quietly but loud enough for you to hear him. You waved slightly and ordered a drink, grabbing your purse. "I got it", he told you and paid for your drink. "Oh..thanks..", maybe you misjudged him. He can't be all that bad if he bought your drink, right? "So..what's your name?", you asked and he smirked lightly. "Offendy, but call me smexy~", he smirked and you rolled your eyes. "I'll call you creeper", you muttered and he chuckled. "I heard that"
"You were supposed to"
"Ah, I see. Anyways, whatcha doing here?", he asked and you shrugged. "Came to just drink and hang out with my friend. You?"
"I came to see you again"
"I wanted to ask you out"
"I barely know you"
"Let's change that~"
"Oh my god, fine. Just shut up".


You were at home, watching Netflix and eating pizza. (Netflix and chill anyone?) You were watching Family Guy, when Dark randomly sat on your couch and grabbed a piece of pizza. "How'd you get in?", you asked and he shrugged, taking a bite. "Window"
"Why are you here though?"
"Bored, wanted to see you and hang out"
"And you're not gonna kill me?"
"No, not yet anyways. I want a live girlfriend, not a dead one", he answered and you scoffed. "In your dreams", you hissed and he smirked. "Too bad, we're dating now"
"You're an asshole"

Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios! Pt 2 unfinished And Wont Be Finished-Where stories live. Discover now