11: Captured

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Okay here we go. I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for the wait. Sorry for the cliffhanger last time but you know, gotta have some suspense. But without further ado here's the next chapter in my story. 

Chapter 11: Spaces

SOTC:  Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction 

Warning: Graphic detail



So much... blood, it was everywhere on two of the monitors, lifeless, withered, sacks of dry skin sat up against the wall, only moist by the dripping crimson liquid. The eye sockets of the bodies were nothing more than empty shells of darkness, their mouths hung open like they were giving off a surprised expression, their skin ripped and tight around their ribcages. They wore tattered clothes and had long toe and fingernails.

"Good lord," said Louis. 

It was at this point that I was the only one out of our team to not gag or fully vomit, aka Liam. I stood there analyzing the screen for clues to how those people ended up the way they did, ways to get out. I could easily get out by myself, but I have to think of my team and the skills they posses. 

"How do you think this happened?" Liam asked with a disgusted look on his face. 

"Hold on," I said as my eyes zipped across the monitors looking for things normal people wouldn't be able to detect. 

"Ther- there's so much of it. S-So much, so much of the blood," Harry said, his eyes wide and face horrified. 

"There," I said, pointing to a spot on the bottom left most monitor. "It's a chainsaw blade, they were strapped into the walls and cut from the back, I'd be surprised if they still had they're spines inside their bodies." 

Liam brought his hand up to his mouth, as if to hold back the impending upchuck of his stomach. 

"That is seriously fucked up," he said. "What kind of people are these?"

I loaded my guns and gave him serious look. "The kind that need to be wiped out."  

He nodded, "How do you suppose we do that though?"

"The same way we always do," I said, tilting my head. 

"Niall, look," Louis said, pointing at the monitors. "They're coming."

"I count twenty of them," I said, standing up against the doorway, clutching my guns close. "Hide, I'll take care of them."

"There's no way you could take down all of those guys, Niall," Liam said, stepping closer. 

"I think you're underestimating my skills, Liam."

"He'll be fine," Harry said, placing his hand on Liam's shoulder. "Let's go."

They went through the door and hid in the room just across the hall, looking through the window of the room slightly, not enough for anyone with untrained eyes to notice. 

I could hear the guards' footsteps rounding the corners and I prepared myself for the fight I knew was about to happen. As the first guard walked around the corner and looked consciously around, I aimed and fired my first shot which landed in his thigh, sending him sprawling to the ground. 

"Argh! Get back!" He shouted to the other guards. 

I walked out of the room and gave him a hard kick to the chest, shutting him up. Two more guards ran around the corner, the first came fast with his fist, throwing a punch with his right hand, then his left, and then a straight kick forward. I blocked the attacks and countered the kick by grabbing onto his leg and sending a roundhouse kick to the face, knocking him unconscious. 

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