7: Occupational Hazard

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7: Occupational Hazard


It took a while, as expected, for everyone to get over the recent loses. I was beginning to think we stay like this, isolated, anxious, fidgety. Eventually everyone climbed their way back to the top, some slower than others.

Just thinking about how horrible and pain inducing their deaths could have been made my stomach churn. Why did this have to happen so soon, or at all. These people they didn't show mercy and I often think maybe that's how people see me, as a monster. A stone-cold killing machine show showed no mercy, even a tiny smidge.

Don't be daft, I think to myself but something inside my body just yearns for attention. Is this regret or something?

Nah, couldn't be.

Or could it? I'm still as human as most, same emotions, same type of pain, I heal but I'm not made of stone, just like others I'm a fragile piece of glass who can break at even the closest drop.

Is this how I should see myself? No, I have to stay strong, if not for myself then for others, right?

One of the other things that keeps wiggling back into my subconscious is the fact that this could happen again at any given moment. The cold icy fingers of Death as he reaches for our door, his wings unflurred, black and broken, waiting to wrap around you and carry you far away from the place you now call home.

Of course, that can't really happen to me seeing as I'm a special case. Even so I still have people that could be taken from me at anytime, and I'm not going to let that happen. I just refuse.

The boys seem to have readjusted to the new building and living quarters. Liam and I again shared a room while the other three boys slept in the room neighboring ours. I always find myself waking up in Liam's bed, his arms wrapped around me, shrouding me in warmth. I usually turned to see his smiling face, we had grown increasingly closer due to the current situation.

Rory and Perrie shared a room down the hall, they had both agreed to being essential assets to the agency, which basically means they can tag along on, and also take on assignments whenever they see fit.

All was peaceful for the most part so I decided to continue my work as an agent, with Liam as my partner of course.

The walk to Simon's new office was a quiet one, only filled with the squeaking sound of pur shoes on the floor of the corridor.

"Simon," I said turning the nob to his door.

"Niall," he said looking up from his paperwork.

"We need to get back to work," I told him, "it's getting really tiresome waiting around all day."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive," Liam answered for me.

"Hm let me see. Okay, there's something very important I would like to assign you both. There's a very rare diamond that is owned by a guy named Redal Mondé, he's a murder and a thief, thankfully we taught you how to get away with thievery and you most likely won't be caught. Steal that diamond. Oh by the way, you're going to Seattle, best get to it," Simon concluded with a smirk.

"Were seriously going to Seattle," I nearly shrieked at Liam. Seattle has always been a dream place to travel to for some reason, maybe because it's where Icarly was based, that was literally my favorite show ever.

As we entered our room I could have sworn I saw the same guy that had called himself The Reckoning, but when I blinked he was gone.

Must be my imagination.

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