Chapter 12: A Death in the family

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Okay I'm gonna try my best to pump these chapters out as fast as I can, while also trying to make them long and entertaining for you.

Chapter 12: A Death in the family

SOTC: Doing It Wrong by Drake

Warning: Graphic detail


As we left the cell we looked to the right to see a door up a few steps.

"That's, like, the only door in here so I'm guessing that's the way out," Kyle said, pointing to the door.

"Hey," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Not so fast, we have no idea what's even up there. What if they have cameras or some sort of security system?"

"They don't, Niall, trust me. I've been here for a while now and the only things they have for security are these arrogant baboons that they call guards."

I sighed. "Fine, just, be cautious, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be careful for ya."

What a pain this guy can be, I thought to myself as we got to the door, slowly opening it and peeking into the long corridors.

"Hm, creepy," I said, running my fingers down the dusty doorframe. As soon as I open the door completely I'm almost knocked off of my feet by the overwhelming smell, a metallic smell, I'd know this smell anywhere- blood.

"Oh, that's foul!" Kyle whisper-yelled, covering his nose to block the wrong metallic scent.

"We need weapons, fast."

"Well my best guess would be somewhere close to the front of this place, the check-in office, so to speak," Kyle said, stroking his beard.

"How would you know?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"I don't know, I just have a strong feeling about this, trust me."

"We just met," I roll my eyes.


"Ugh, let's just find some guns, maybe something sharp."

"Okie dokie."

We walked out into the gigantic corridor, taking slow steps, not wanting to alert any guards, or even inmates if there were any, that we had escaped.

"Hey!" A guard shouted at us just as we began to turn a corner leading to the direction of the check-in office.

"Well that didn't last long," I sigh, ducking behind one of the pillars that support the second floor to the prison.

"You can't hide from me!" The guard, now somehow right behind Kyle, shouted.

"Duck!" I shouted, causing Kyle to hit the floor like a pile of bricks.

The guard raised his pistol to my forehead, inching his finger toward the trigger, but before he could get there my hand flew to swat it away as my knee flew into his private areas.

"Urg!" He grunted in pain.

"Take a nap," I commanded as I sent a hard kick to his face, causing a somewhat loud impact from my knee-high combat boot.

"Let's go!" Kyle shouted, grabbing my wrist and pulling me down the corridor we were heading to.

"Look!" I shouted as I pointed toward a weapons room.

As we entered the room I was in complete awe, we were surrounded by whole walls filled with guns, such beautiful guns.

"Look at all these guns; pistols, handguns, rifles, shotguns. I'm gonna cry," I said, pretending to cry like a sixteen year old girl who just got her first car.

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