Chapter One

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Picture of Candace Landoe


My hands reached out to open the doors of the fridge, pulling out a cold carton of milk. I sidestepped Candace, my older sister, and walked to the cupboards, pulling out a tall glass. I wrinkled my nose as I could smell the liquor from her. It was embarrassing to say the least.

"You can't ignore me," she slurred, leaning against the granite counters. I rolled my eyes, turning to face her with a glare. "You didn't answer m-my question." I couldn't even recall what she asked since I wasn't listening.

"You should go to bed."

"I'm seventeen. I'll go to bed whenever I feel like." I simply sighed and attempted to exit the kitchen but she barred the whole entrance with her body and arms extended. 

"Candace, get out of my way." Her eyeliner was smeared and her black hair was a nest at the moment. "You're drunk," I acknowledged. "And I'm telling mom."

"Sure you would, like you always do. That's why you have no friends." She jabbed a finger to my face. I glared at her, before slapping her hands away and trudging into the living room. I growled in annoyance once I heard her footsteps echoing mine. 

"I'm not obliged to answer any of your queries!" I yelled, causing her to flinch in the spot she stood. She merely grunted, sizing me up with her eyes.

"Look at you, using your words on me. All of a sudden you think you're better than everyone else here," she seethed through clenched teeth. My eyes widened at her accusation, the anger boiling through my veins. Not this again.

"Don't you dare come inside here drunk, and start throwing hate on others because of your failures. Where were you when mom was working her butt off to send us to school! Where were you when she had to take double jobs to put food in the house! HUH? Where were you!"

"What are yo-"

"You don't know? But I knew. You were out there with your so called 'boyfriends', all hours of the night going at it in the room that was provided for you. Missing school for your crackhead friends!" I yelled, and then took a deep breath, tears of anger forming at the brim of my eyes. "And now, when we've finally made a breakthrough, you want to complain?" I spread my arms, pointing to the now expensive house we lived in filled with luxurious furniture.

"You don't know shit." She took a brave step towards me, her eyes blazing with fury. That's how she reacted when she was faced with the truth.

"Really? Those clothes you go to the parties with..."

"Oh shut up. You... you... I-I can't even find a word to describe you. I hope you-" I spun around, sprinting up the stairs, not wanting to listen to her anymore. I wasn't even interested in her 'question' anymore. I was done with her useless complaining and her ungratefulness. I was just done.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" I heard her yell from down the stairs. I couldn't care the least. When she'd sober up, I probably take time to listen.

Truthfully, she was the best older sister anyone could ask for, it was just that after our father died, she turned into a heap of mess. Eventually, she started to mingle with the wrong crowd, and when mom couldn't control her anymore, she invested more of her time in me.

That brought a border between us, as the idea somehow planted itself in her brain that mom had preferred me more than her. And somehow, a long-term hatred began to grow. She never admitted it, but when she was high, or drunk, it showed quite a lot.

I slumped unto my bed, letting out a deep sigh, placing a hand on my forehead, brushing away the sweat that had somehow formed there. So much for being relaxed, when all I wanted was to hit the books since I had an exam the following morning. I couldn't relax though, due to the hot temper I possessed, so I did what I normally did to cool down.

I eyed my bedside table carefully, my eyes falling unto the small box of cigarettes that laid there untouched. I'd been free for a whole four months and now I was even considering going back to my old days. My mom didn't even know.

I hesitated, my shaking hands reaching towards, my breath hitched, but I need that drag; I needed to remain calm. With a final sigh, I grabbed the box, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. I then held it to my mouth and took a puff.

This would be my last time, I thought. It definitely would.


I woke up with a headache, shoving books into my bag. I brushed my raven hair into a loose ponytail, along with pulling on a dull green sweater, black sweatpants, and a grey converse. I jogged down the stairs, grabbing an orange drink from the fridge.

"Heading off to school, Zoe?" my mom asked, emerging from the stairs, still in her nightgown.

"Yep," I replied after swallowing the contents that were in my mouth. She nodded, leaning against the counter, resting her head against her hands. She looked tired as hell. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She glanced up at me, her eyes blank for a second before she returned completely.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just want you and your sister to be home early today. I'm having a guest over that I'd really like you all to meet," she smiled, her eyes bright. I heard footsteps behind me and there was Candace, walking into the kitchen with tight short pants and a crop top. "You know, honey, you should really dress better for school." Candace simply glared at mom, before picking her phone off the counter and mumbling a 'goodbye' as she walked out the door. "Just make sure she comes home early."

"I'll try my best mom," I replied with a sad smile, giving her a tight hug before I left. I walked into the driveway, seeing that Candace was already gone, so I took my car, flinging my bag pack into the passenger seat and turning on the engine. I only had one request from my mom and I was willing to make it work out just for her. The same way she was willing to work out anything, just for the two of us. It's just that a dickhead like Candace, wouldn't appreciate it.


Quick note: This story was originally known as "The Serial Rapist" and then I decided to rename it 'Christopher' based on the main protagonist in the story. 

Comment and Vote! It's the first chapter. Tell me what you think.

Taja D'amore.

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