Chapter Three

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Picture of Christoper (Chris) Hayes


The night mainly consisted of smiles and laughter, that were cut abrupt by Candace's narcissism. Honestly, I began to think it was best if we'd left her at the school with her crackhead bastards. I even felt it for mom as she winced at every opportunity Candace took to open her mouth. I think I'd hid my face behind my hands the majority of the time, and Chris, the polite man he was just smiled at her every stance. I wasn't even sure if he was bored of her, he seemed genuinely interested.

"Zoe, tell Chris about your career choices," my mother said after she put her glass of wine down, smiling at me encouragingly. She was desperately trying to hush Candace.

"Well," I began. "I have thought of studying computer engineering, along with advanced programming." Chris' eyebrows quirked up at this, nodding in approval.

"That's an excellent path. Do you think you have what it takes?" he asked.

"Absolutely," I smiled delightedly.

"Uh, I have what it takes," Candace scoffed, flipping her hair like a real brat. I frowned in her direction, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Really? You can't even get past a 'D'," I retorted with a chuckle, only to receive a scowl from her and a short laugh from Chris.

"I'll let you know, that with my fashionable senses, I can open a business and make more profit than you and your stupid computers," she replied, sticking her tongue out for me. Mom got up and began to clear the dishes whilst Candace and I continued to bicker. As soon as Chris disappeared into the house, we stopped, reducing it to a glaring competition. "He's hot," she replied after a few minutes, her glare molding into an evil smirk. I didn't even turn to face her, knowing what was on her mind when she gave him a physical compliment. "I wonder how long he'd last with mom."

I snapped my head in her direction so fast, boring holes into her face with my glare.

"You're such a snob," I told her with disgust, my nose scrunched up. I picked up my now empty plate and began to walk into the house.

"Oh, come on," she replied behind me. "You can't deny something like that." I rolled my eyes, fastening my pace. I quickly placed my dishes in the sink and turned to face her.

"If you do anything to ruin what they have, I will personally end you," I said through my teeth and pushed past her. She simply scoffed, following me to the living room. My mom and Chris were still nowhere to be seen. I sighed, taking off my heels and slumping unto a couch. Candace leaned on the couch near me, peering into my eyes with her aquamarine orbs, twinkling with mischief.

"It's so obvious that he's just after mom for her money," she stated. "I would know."

"Wow. You see a lot of yourself in him, don't you," I deadpanned, earning a scowl from her as I grinned. Hopefully, she'd leave me alone so I could relax in peace. Sadly, peace never existed when she was around.

"No. I just know a lot more about meaningful relationships than you."

"You're dating a crackhead-"

"Who loves me." I laughed at my 'big' sister, the one I was supposed to look up to, with only crap spilling from her lips. I only regarded her for my entertainment. "And who are you to call someone a 'crackhead'? I saw the cigarette box in your room." I froze in my laughter, facing her with wide eyes. If Candace knew about that, she'd blackmail me for the rest of my life.

"What were you doing in my room?"

"So they're yours?" she asked, one brow up.

"Why were you in my room?" I asked again.

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't answer mine," I retorted. She rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"I got my period, and I was out of pads, so I went in your room looking for some." She gave me an 'are you happy?' look. 'So are the cigarettes yours?"

"That's not your business," I replied, getting up from the couch, in an attempt to escape to my room, by she barricaded the space.

"So that's a 'yes'?" she piped. "Seems I'm not the only dirty one. Do you know what I think of you?"

"No, and I don't care," I replied, trying to wiggle away from her.

"I think of you as a hypocrite."

"You have no right to... to put me to your standards."

"My standards? At least I don't smoke!"

"Well at least I'm a virgin!" Candace blinked and laughed.

"Okay, that's a low, even for you. You can't even compare the two! One is pleasurable and the other kills."

"Oh please," I scoffed and pushed her aside, making a run for the stairs. She giggled from the bottom of the stairs as I stood at the top.

"Where are you going? Need another puff?" she laughed.

"Fuck you."

"Oh go enjoy yourself. I have my own missions, plus mom to notify."

"She'd never believe you."

"Hmm... Next time, I'd record this."


Taja D'amore.

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