Chapter Fifteen

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We were all assembled around the large glass table in Caleb's dining room since he didn't have any form of authority at home at the moment and we had private matters to discuss, Darlene is the head at the moment.

Caleb emerged from the kitchen, carrying a huge jug of cranberry juice and a plate of sandwiches and Nina trailed behind with the individual plates and glasses. Gabriel was out with some friends of his, so we weren't expecting him home anytime time soon. Darlene clasped her hands together to get our attention.

"You guys may not have noticed, but lately, I've been doing some snooping of my own. And my results may be of some use to us. Plus, we have Nina here with us..."

"Nina's testimony about the beating won't do us any good," I interrupted sourly. "The police view that bag of shit as an outstanding citizen." I rolled my eyes at how stupid they could be. Darlene tapped my shoulder to end my rambling.

"I'm not talking about her testimony." Everyone's head snapped up to Darlene, listening intently. "There's something she obviously hasn't told you all, so this is all going to be a surprise." We all turned to look at Nina.

"What exactly is she talking about?" Emmett inquired, narrowing his eyes, probably preparing himself for the worst. Nina took in a large breath, placing the glass of juice she had at her lips, carefully on the table.

"When Zoe took me in," she began with a shaky voice. "I told her what I went through during the days you thought I was missing. I... I-uh got into a relationship with an older man in that short period of time." There was utter silence as everyone waited keenly for Nina to continue. "And for a split-second, I thought what we had was real."

"Exactly what does this have to do with the situation?" Caleb asked, not wanting to hear Nina's relationship stories.

"He uh, he..." Nina fondled with the words at the tip of her tongue, eyes averting everywhere to avoid eye contact. Darlene got off her seat and reached to Nina, gently rubbing her shoulder. Nina took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "That man was Chris, Christopher Hayes, and he sure did recognize me that afternoon when you all left to search for Caleb."

"Oh Nina, if only I knew, I would've stayed," Emmett replied solemnly, grasping Nina's hands in his. I glanced at Caleb, who surprisingly didn't seem the bit annoyed or angered. He sat there as passive as ever, a glint of determination flashing in his eyes. What scared me, was that I didn't know what it was meant for.

"It's not your fault," Nina replied. "He got so angry, asking me what I was doing in his house; that I was going to ruin his perfectly put-together life." Nina shook her head. "And the more I tried to explain to him that that wasn't the case, he just wouldn't listen. And then words led to actions... And Candace saw the whole thing, doing the best she could to end it." Darlene nodded in agreement.

"That's motive for killing her, isn't it?" Darlene asked. "He knew Nina would be too scared to speak, so he got rid of the real threat." I glanced between the two of them as they stared at me wearily, waiting for my response.

"I-I, uh, it is possible," I replied. Then an idea popped into my mind. "What about the call Candace sent to me before we got there. We can use that as evidence, right?" Darlene nodded.

"Of course. Now we just need to do some background digging."


I sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window into the pitch darkness of night outside. It almost matched the colour of the army green bedroom. I closed the blinds and turned on the lamp that was closest to the window, changing into a baggy legging and a huge tee-shirt. I always had extra clothes stored at Caleb's house.

Afterwards, I travelled down the hall, into the living room where he sat with Gabriel watching television

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Afterwards, I travelled down the hall, into the living room where he sat with Gabriel watching television. Gabriel was the first to look up, immediately standing and walking briskly towards me, enveloping me in a huge hug.

"I'm truly sorry," he whispered in my ears. I nodded in response, my throat clenching, making it hard to speak. He eventually let me go, studying me with his eyes. "Are you hungry?" he asked.

"No-" I began, but he waved it off, trudging into the kitchen. These boys never listened. I rejoined Caleb in the living room, where he sat with his eyes glued on the screen, but his mind seemed somewhere else. "Hey," I nudged him with my elbow. He slowly turned to look at me with dead eyes, forcing a quick smile. "As ironic as it seems, how are you holding up? You seem to be taking this harder than me," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. He shrugged nonchalantly, but I knew something was bugging him.

"I just keep thinking," he sighed, after a few moments of silence. "That may be if things were done a different way-" He paused, shaking his head, his flaxen curls bouncing.

"I'm listening," I pressed, mortified at the moment.

"I just can't help but wonder, if I hadn't acted like a selfish person and run off, maybe... just maybe Candace would still be alive." He spoke with a choked voice. I frowned, wanting to hit him for blaming himself for something he couldn't have controlled.

"What? None of us knew what Chris was capable of, and furthermore, it wasn't your-"

"DON'T!" he snapped, his hazel eyes filled with fury as his mood suddenly turned caustic. "Don't tell me it wasn't my fault. I-I've been told that phrase so many times, even when it was obvious that it was my fault." He shook his head frantically as if to shake the thoughts out. My jaw was left hanging opening, my mouth dry as he almost looked... wry.

"I don't even know what to say," I half-whispered to myself, chagrined.

"Then don't." By that time, Gabriel had already emerged from the kitchen, walking silently to me with a plate of chicken salad. He knew how much I liked it, but at the time, I just wasn't hungry. He gave me a stern look, so I knew there was no arguing about that.

Midway into the meal, there was a knock at the door. I glanced at Gabriel and Caleb, confounded.

"Are you expecting someone?" Before he had a chance to answer, a sound of glass being shattered came from one of the rooms. He threw me a dour look.

"Obviously not."


And thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you stick along for the journey, because sadly, this book is almost coming to an end! Don't worry, I have other plots so this won't be the last of me. Read my other books, Wolf Blood and The Kidnappings, and if you need some love from God, read God's Word To You.

PS. Fixing Emily Stone will be out soon! A new mystery book of mine.

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Taja D'amore.

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