Chapter Fourteen

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"Death ends our lives, not our relationships."


I couldn't breathe, the passageway of my neck was closing in and I was fighting a one-man battle, and I was at a loss of actions. I couldn't even register the fact that Emmett and Darlene were waving their hands frantically in my face. All I could do was stare, as I felt the crease lines evolving on my forehead.

This was probably the first actual murder this town had experienced, so believe it or not, the cops were probably excited that they got the chance to do something extravagant. Suddenly, I moved away from my friends with such determination, walking with confidence and dominance as I marched straight up to Chris, yanking him away from my mother with as much force as I could, my eyes blazing with fury. Mom's mouth formed the shape of an 'o' but nothing came out, as she ogled in confusion.

"Zoe..." Chris started, surprised himself, but not too much. "What's the matter?" My eyes narrowed to slits.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know what's going on here." Some of the surrounding officers had begun to stare at the unfolding scene. "Are you really grieving? Or secretly relieved." I felt a hot liquid coming down my cheeks as I spoke. I furiously wiped them away; I wasn't going to break down... at least not here. My mother walked up behind Chris, placing a reassuring hand on his back as she vehemently glared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now.

"Zoe, where has this come from?" my mother snapped, her eyes red from crying. My body had a mind of its own as I suddenly lurched for her, and I would have, if Darlene hadn't grabbed a hold of my sweater, restraining me.

"Don't do anything rational," she whispered in my ears as she dragged me towards Emmett's car as we somewhat struggled down the pavement. She kept a solid grasp on me until I was secured in the backseat and Emmett pulling out of the curb and sped down the highway. I glared at Darlene in the rear-view mirror, regretting that I'd let pull me from there. She probably sensed my glare on her as she turned to face with, her expression somber. "You need to cool off before you act." I tore my eyes away from her and watched out the window as the trees flew by.

"I'm one hundred per cent sure it's him," I replied. I had no more energy to argue my point, let alone go back there and put up a scene again. "I just know it."

"And I totally believe you, no doubt. We just need to prove it." My eyes snapped to her almost hazel ones, alert for any ideas she was about to spill. "We can't just barge in there and claim that he did it."

"What are you implying?" I crossed my arms over my chest. Emmett glanced at us through the mirror every now and then. He seemed worried over whatever potential dangerous plot we were about to discuss.

"I have an idea, but I need all of us to be in." Darlene turned back to the front and pulled out her phone and dialled a number. "I'll call Caleb and Nina to meet us in the library." She turned to face me again. "We're all in this for you." I didn't know how to show her how touched I was, so I simply smiled.


We all sat around a table for a silent moment. Everyone processing what went, for the time being, not uttering a word. How could they? Nothing was as it seemed anymore. The least of your worries was the worst thing to hit you in the face.

I didn't see it, but I knew Nina was boring a hole into my forehead with her piercing stare. Caleb tapped his fingers impatiently on the hardwood desk as he stared absently into space. Emmett was playing with the thread of his jeans, his head hunched down and the brown of his curls falling against his neck. Darlene was curling the ends of her red-orange hair; a habit of hers once anxiety took over.

I, however, had my hair pulled back into a messy ponytail with a stolid expression. No one would have guessed that I was suffering some sort of loss. And I would make sure it stayed that way, at least until I got my revenge. Finally, Caleb stopped tapping his fingers and as I looked up, I noticed his grim expression.

"Are we just going to sit here? Or do something?" He asked. Darlene chuckled under her breath, knowing this wasn't a laughing situation. I tilted my head to one side, not knowing what to do myself. We were all as helpless.

"We're gathered here-" Darlene started.

"Oh great, a funeral announcement." Caleb rolled his eyes. Darlene simply ignored him and continued.

"To discuss the important facts of... um..."

"Candace," Emmett reminded her.

"Sorry, her name slipped my mind. Anyways, we're not here to mourn but avenge. And we all know who is behind this. Right!" Darlene continued. Caleb timidly raised his hand.

"I don't," He said sheepishly. Nina rolled her eyes.

"Chris, you idiot."

Darlene continued. "I just hope we can all work together as a team and do this for Zoe, as her team of supportive friends. And help put this basted behind bars, where he should be and stay there."

"Okay. What do you suggest we do? I'm all in," Emmett replied. We all glanced around at each other until all our eyes settled on Nina. Words didn't need to be exchanged as the circumstances fused together and the obvious became clearer. Given Nina's experience with the man, she could actually help put the man where he belonged and not at home cuddling with my mother.

"Well it's settled," she replied, setting her hands down with a strained smile. "Looks like I'd have to go down a trip on memory lane."

And thank you for reading! This part doesn't have much action... In fact, no action at all. I just thought I'd fill you all in on how they get together and decide what's going to be in store for Chris. Do you really think he did it though?

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Taja D'amore.

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