Always chapter one

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The TARDIS whirred and then it was off, sending the Doctor and Clara catapulting into the unknown.
It was by far the joltiest journey Clara had ever been of, as it was shaking around and vibrating. She could just tell that the TARDIS didn't want to go there. However, from a sense of duty, or love for the doctor, she pushed through, and landed in the afterlife.
Clara ran out, and almost fell into a gaping chasm. The TARDIS was sitting on a fragile rope bridge across the gap, and on either side, two cliff-face like walls fell away into nothing, stretching down as far as ghe eye could see and plunging through the clouds far, far below. It was awe inspiring.
A web of rope bridges spanned the chasm,and figures dressed in white floated around over the surface. As they watched a spirit from one side found it's way onto the bridge, and it burst into flames, crumbling into ashes. Then, in front of their very eyes, the same red-clad figure clawed it's way up through the earth. On the other side, spirits made their way on and off the bridges, calmly, their white clothes reflecting the empty light.
The doctor and Clara looked at eachother, before starting to cross the maze of bridges.

They followed a complicated, weaving path towards the side that seemed to represent 'Heaven' but on more than one occasion, they passed close enough to the other side to see the steaming hot, hard mud ground; The leafless, black trunked trees in their contorted, twisted shapes; the hot 'springs' if Lava that smoked and bubbled like mini volcanoes, threatening an eruption. It looked like hell. Sure, those people may have done bad things, but he doubted many of them deserved that life of pain, and heat, and spontaneous combustion, burning to death repeatedly. By the time they reached the other side, however, they gasped. The white marble square of floor was polished and smooth, surrounded by lush green grass and small pools of crystal clear water. A waterfall rushed down the chasm, and the sun-like light, while torturously hot on the 'hell' side, was the temperature of a pleasant summers day, with a cool breeze brushing their faces.
That was where they saw Danny.
Clara ran to him, across the narrow rope bridge and the grass and the cool marble floor, crashing into him and hugging him.
"Danny Pink, I missed you."
"Clara! How did you get here? Why are you here?"
"Were taking you home. Did you forget we have a time machine crossed with a spaceship?"
He shook his head.
"Clara Oswald, you are a special one"
"As are you Mr Pink."

Awww. fluff will begin next chapter. No more drama until the end.
Ship name: Soldier Souffle, Oswink or Pinkwald?

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