Chapter three

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"Who uses a screwdriver nowadays? Pathetic" I smirked, although god knows how much I wanted one. He looked affronted, but then he laughed. "What would you have then?"
"A fountain pen. No-one would think anything of it, you can use it, and the nib is a pretty good weapon."
He opened his mouth then closed it again.
"I prefer this screwdriver"
Of course he did. I sighed.
"Take me somewhere."
"How did you......?"
I glared at him until he walked over to the control panel. I snorted. There were no adjustments. One man was flying a six person ship with no adjustments. He darted round the ship, pressing buttons and pulling leavers.
"What's this?" I point to the one thing that wasn't on the original model.
"It's...a.....erm.....secondary control panel."
"It looks like a pinball machine." I comment absently.
"It is." He looks and sounds pained.
He pulls down one last leaver, and the tardis spins into action, with a horrible jerking and an annoying noise.
I pull up a leaver, and the noise disappears.
"You forgot to take the handbrake off."
I then push down another button that looks barely used.
"And you forgot to put the stabilizers on"
He glares at me but I just laugh, sitting down on a large armchair pulled in from the back room.
"Where are we going?"
"Ancient greek times"
"Oooh. Awesome!"
"What did you want?"
" fly the TARDIS, you to turn my pen sonic, and something else."
He stepped aside from the control panel and gestured for me to drive.
"You take that side"
"There's nothing to do on that side."
I sighed. "on that side, that section is stability, that section is speed and that section is shields abd security. I will take this side, destination, landing and takeoff, and the last section is random other stuff."
He nodded. We flew the tardis quite skillfully, landing on the surface of a random planet that i had picked.
"How did you know how...?"
"Oh....I'm sorry. I still need answers. Walk with me?"
He pushed open the doors of the TARDIS, handing me a pen.
I grabbed it and tested it out. Yes! Sonic!
We stepped out and walked towards some woods with fruit trees.
Suddenly, I saw a group of cybermen.
"Shit. Wrong planet" I whispered.
"be right back"
"Promise me you'll be safe?
I tried to tell myself that it was just because i wanted to kill him myself......but it didn't work.
"Can't promise that"
"Well then you aren't goi.....Wait! DOCTOR!"
I took off after him, eventually catching up, which surprised him. I held up my new sonic pen, and he held his screwdriver like a water pistol, and the combined force knocked them out.
"Well, that was simple" he laughed.
"Have you ever lost anyone" my sombre tone shocked him into seriousness.
"So many people. Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory...." he trailed off.
The last two names shocked me. I didn't realise he actually cared. That meant all the world to me. It changed my whole outlook on life....well, on him.
"I think it's time to tell you who I am"

Dun dun dun!
This is the penultimate chapter. Whooo!!!! You will not be expecting the plot twist. I will try and get it up tonight.
You may have noticed i changed the name of this story. I am gonna post multiple fanfics on here. The next one will be about Clara and Danny. Hope you liked the chapter!

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