What Twilight?

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Do you guys know how frigging excited I am?!! Probably not, but I'm excited because PRETTY LITTLE LIARS SEASON FOUR EPISODE ONE COMES OUT!!! Oh Ma Gawd!!!

Jelly.. Well I better shut up and let you guys read! Now this chapter will be short because there will be a massive chapter after...... I'm not revealing anything.


Misty's P.O.V

It's been a week since I found out my babies were still alive. It's so exciting!!!

"Hey Mist come look at this!" Beau said.

I walked behind Beau who was sitting at the computer.

"Yer?" I asked.

"Look at all the clothing items we could buy," Beau said.

"You called me from the couch to look at clothing," I muttered.

Beau turned around on the chair.

"Yer, you love it though," Beau said.

"I was watching my favourite show!" I said.

"What twilight?" Beau asked.

"Twilight is not a show, I was watching Vampire Diaries," I said.

"I see no difference," Beau said.

"Twilight only has one hot guy in the whole sagas and that's the werewolf. Vampire dairies well don't even get me started," I said.

"Go fan girl some where else," Beau said.

"Oh I plan to," I said.

I walked off towards the lounge room, I looked at the window and saw a black wolf that look like me.

"Beau!" I yelled.

"What?" He yelled.

The wolf ran off. I watch it run. Beau came into the lounge room. I was still looking out the window.

"What?" Beau asked looking where I was staring.

"I saw a black wolf that looked like me," I said.

"Babe you were probably hallucinating," Beau said.

"I wasn't!" I snapped.

"Or this pregnancy could be doing this to you," Beau said.

"Don't make up excuses," I said.

"Have a rest honey, maybe it's because your tired," Beau said.

"Alright," I said in defeat.

I walked towards the bed room, I looked out the window and saw nothing, my minds playing tricks on me.

I closed my eyes.

Misty's Dream.

"Oi bitch wake up!"

I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in a field, I looked to where the voice came from. I saw a huge black wolf lying on the ground, it was watching me. I got off and walked towards the wolf, the wolf got up and walked towards me.

She was fat, I'm not even kidding she looked like she ate a bloody whale.

"I can hear what you think Misty," the wolf said.

I looked at the wolf.

"Your me," I said.

"Really, I though I was Roxy,"

I looked at her like your an idiot.

"The pups are fine, god they were so lucky to survive, they were moving when you got hit,"

I saw myself fading away.

"Your waking up!" My wolf said.

"I'm waking up! Quick tell me something you needed to," I said.

"There is great danger coming! Watch out somebody close to you in betraying u!

End of dream.

I woke up, I looked around the room and saw Beau asleep next to me, I looked at the clock 7:32 am. I got up and looked outside, it was clear nothing was outside.

What did my wolf mean by someone was betraying us that's close to us. I'm scared it could be the guys, or Roxy maybe even Beau. No.. It couldn't be... I'm honestly not sure.


To all my lovelies I feel bad because I forgot to post!!! I wrote it but didn't post. Oh god.

This is a short chapter, the next chapters will be frigging massive not even kindling chapter 28- like thirty some will be big and yer.... Who do you guys think Mist saw.... Comment Like Fan!

Love you guys!

Meg xoxo

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