Moonlight Fire Pack

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Chapter 1 

When I was a pup my parents put me up for adoption because I was the only pup they had, my father was the alpha and he wanted to pass down the tradition to his son, well sorry dad it's not my fault you had a girl. Three weeks after I was born my parents put me in a box and dumped me at the werewolf orphanage, there I met my adopted parents Louise and Darren. 

17 years later 

"Darren hurry up your going to be late for your meeting," I yell. 

"Just wait Misty!" Darren yelled. 

Darren and I are trying to find out what pack I was originally from, the pack I'm already in is The Broken Shadows, Darren being the Beta in the pack.  

Darren and I got into his dark blue sports car and started driving to the pack house to meet up with the councils and elders. 

"Are you nervous?" Darren asked. 

"No," I said shaking my head. 

"Then why are you sweating?" Darren asked. 

"It's hot in here that's why I'm sweating," I replied. 

After the twenty minute drive we pulled up at the pack house. I got out of the car and was greeted by James the Alpha. 

"James," Darren nodded. 


I walked inside and said hello to Diana the Luna. 

"Misty it's good to see you," Diana greeted me. 

She lead me to lounge room. 

"You can stay in here if you want to," Diana said. 

I look around and see about seven teenagers, different ages and they must be mates. 

Diana whistled loudly, scaring them they turned around. 

"This is Misty, Darren's daughter," Diana said. 

I got a few hellos and sups. One of the girls got up. 

"Hi I'm Hayley, this is our little group i'll introduce them to you, Kyle and Rachel their mates, Rebecca and Tom their mates, Ryley mates with me and Adam over there he's Rachel sister," Hayley said. 

"Are you an Emo or something like that?" Adam asked. 

My jaw hit the ground he thought I was an Emo, my hair is naturally black. 

"Adam don't be an asshole, to Misty," Rachel snapped. 

"So what are you guys doing?" I asked. 

"Just watching a movie, do you want to watch it with us?" Tom asked. 

"Sure what movie is it?" I replied. 

Adam and Kyle snickered. 

"It's umm, what's it called," Hayley said. 

"The Hangover, you still want to watch it? It swears a lot and has nudity and its rated R?" Adam asked. 

"Shut up dick face your an Asshole obviously, I didn't come here to watch your pathetic R movie I came here to find out which pack I was originally from, you fuck head," I snapped. 

"What do you mean original pack your from the broken shadows pack," Rebecca asked. 

"No i'm not my parents put me up for adoption because they had a girl, (me) and that's where I met Darren and Louise, now I'm trying to find which pack I was from because my father was the Alpha, and I ready to lead his pack but I don't know his pack so I'm meeting the council to find out. Now would you mind your own fucking business," I replied. 

"She's a rogue, get the fuck out of my house," Adam snapped. 

"I'm not a rogue," I snapped. 

"Well you must be if your parents put you up for adoption, they kicked you out of your own pack because they didn't want a girl to be there Alpha, your obviously just a waste of air and time, they probably didn't want you to be born after all," Adam said harshly. 

Tears stared dripping down my face. 

I walked up to Adam, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, he smirked at me, I punch him in the face. 

"No wonder you don't have a mate your an Asshole," I snapped. 

"You bitch your going to pay for that," Adam hissed. 

I walked out of the langue room, with tears pouring down my face. 

"Misty what's wrong?" Darren asked me. 

I walked out the front door ignoring him, I ran out into the woods I started taking my clothes off while I was running until I was naked then I shifted my bones rearranged until I was in my wolf form, I was pure black with my blue and green eyes, I had one green and one blu eye. I ran until I came to a stop, there was a wolf in front of me, it snarled at me. 

I shifted back into my human, not afraid that I was naked. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

The wolf shifted into a teenaged boy. 

"I'm Zach, we have been excepting you Misty," Zach said. 

"How do you know who I am?" I asked. 

"Your from the Moonlight Fire Pack, daughter of Alpha Michael and Luna Alice, you were place for adoption because your parents where scared you going to killed because your the second female alpha in this pack the last female alpha was killed, that's why they put you up for adoption, I sorry to say but your parent died two years ago," Zach said. 

This information slowly processed through my head, I wasn't a rogue I was the Alpha, my parents put me up for adoption for my safety, and my parents died two years ago. 

"Would you like to meet your pack?" Zach asked. 

I nodded. 

He shifted into his wolf, I shifted into my wolf. 

Zach ushered me to My pack. 

People looked at me in confusion, people whispered among one and another. 

Zach stopped in front of a house, he shifted and put pants on and a hoddie. 

"Give me a second I'll get you something to wear," Zach said. 

I nodded. 

"Who are you," somebody hissed. 

I turned around to see a group of people behind me. I howled, Zach came running outside. 

"Oh," he said. 

Oh is that all he had to say I'm fucking shaking I don't know who these people are. 

Zach walked inside and told me to follow him, the people still looked at me, I kicked the door shut. 

"Sorry they were a bit confused they didn't know who you were," Zach said. 

He put a pair of undies, bra, sweat pants and hoddie down. 

"This is all I found, sorry if its bad," he said. 

"It's fine," I said as I shifted. 

I put the clothes on. 

"Come and meet my father," he said. 

He walked into the langue room. 

"Father I have someone I would like for you to meet," Zach said. 

"Not now son I'm watching the football," he hissed. 


I walked into the lounge room and turn off the tv. 

"Oi I was watching that," he hissed. 

"Dad this is,"

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