Sunshine, Lollypops. It hurts to much!

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Chapter 33

Misty's P.O.V


Three months later

"Well are you going to tell us the good new or not?" I asked.

Roxy bit her lip and played with her fingers.

Zach smiled and looked at Roxy.

"I'm pregnant," she said quickly.

"I knew it! You owe me twenty bucks!" I yelled.

Beau pulled out his wallet and give me a twenty dollar note.

I pranced around the room. I semi jogged over to Roxy and squeezed her in a tight hug.

"Can't breathe! Baby belly squishing me!" Roxy gasped.

The door opened.

"Honey I'm home!" The guys yelled.

Caleb walked in with beer in his hands, Liam was holding champagne and Chase was holding a gift basket.

"We thought we would have a little celebration," Tyler said.

"Zach told us and so we knew it was going to happen some stage, so we got our little surprise kit," Max explained.

"You knew I was going to get pregnant?" Roxy asked.

Max nodded.

"I'll be back in a second," I said.

I walked towards the bathroom, I walked towards the toilet and closed the lid and sat on the toilet. My feet are aching, I have a sore back.

I felt the twins move.

"You two are ready aren't you?" I said.

I got off of the toilet and walked to the shower and started it, I took off of my clothes and stepped into the shower. The warm water hit my stomach, I turned around and let the water run down my back. There was a knock on the door.

"You ok honey?" Beau asked.

I turned off of the shower.

"I'm fine!" I replied.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I walked out of the bathroom and went into my room and put on a pair of grey sweat pants and a grey baggy shirt. I walked out to the lounge room and leaned on the door frame. I watched Roxy and Zach embrace their happiness. I felt warm arm weave around my stomach, I looked up and saw Beau's head resting on my head. He looked down at me, and smiled, he put his hands on my stomach.

"Not long to go," he whispered in my ear.

I turned around and faced Beau. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he put his hands on my waist.


I tossed and turned in my bed, I heard Beau groan. Then start snoring, I sat up and crept out of bed, I put the covers over Beau. I crept out to the kitchen, I'm feeling hungry, I opened the pantry door and pulled out a box of Oreos. Score my favourite. I walked towards the couch, I hit my foot on something.

I dropped the Oreo packet.

"Really!?" I hissed.

I slowly squatted down, I reached down and picked up the packet.

"Why is the floor wet?" I thought.

"Oh no," I said.

I got up and held my stomach and walked to my room. I made it to the bed before my knees gave way. I pulled myself up with the covers.

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