Chapter 1

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I hate my parents. They never let me do anything fun, especially Felicia. Felicia is my step-mom. My actual mom isn't dead, she just left when I was seven. I hate looking at Felicia. Her red hair looks fake and her green eyes make her look like a snake. She had the personality of one too, always making fun of me and pushing me around. Don't even get me started on her moron sons. Harry and Sam are fraternal twins, so they look different but were born on the same day. Harry is alright sometimes, he has his mom's green eyes and red hair but acts completely different. Harry can be nice and treat me like a human being instead of a slave. Sam on the other hand is a total jerkwad. He has the same green eyes as his mother and brother but he has brown hair like I do. Sam acts nice to me when my father is around but every other time he likes to make fun of me and push me around just like his mother does. They're both my age and I hate it because that means I not only have to deal with them at home but I have to deal with them at school too. At school they're the worst because there's no one to stop them from assaulting me. Luckily Harry likes me sometimes so he'll stop Sam when it gets out of hand.

I hate my family. I want to go find my mom and live with her. I wonder where she is right now. Does she miss me? Why did she leave? Did I do something to make her leave or was it my dad's fault? I don't think I'll ever know the answers to those questions but that doesn't mean I'll stop asking them. Maybe my real mom would let me go to Pete's party. Pete, one of the coolest kids in school, invited me, one of the lamest kids in school, over to his house for a party. Either it's a trick or my reputation is finally changing. Pete is in my grade but somehow he's gotten everyone to love him at school. All the girls want to date him and all the guys want to be him. Except me. I personally don't understand why people like him. Pete is a stereotypical jock. He is over-confident, selfish, rude, and probably stupid. But the fact he invited me to one of his friday night parties means that I might not be the absolute nobody I still think I am.

Also his sister is completely my type. She's beautiful, smart, genuine, and caring. Her black hair is so smooth and silky and her blue eyes are so stunning that I find myself lost in thought about them. Her pale complexion pulls her look together and makes her even cuter. She would never be into a guy like me though. I'm part of the fifty percent of the world that has brown hair and brown eyes. I'm boring and not even attractive. Even if I thought I had a chance with Eliza what would I say to her? "Hey I'm Gregg, a guy you've never met or even know and I think you're hot. Wanna go check out my video game collection?" No. Not only would that scare her off, it would put me lower on the high school food chain than I already am.

I just made it out of the class of high schoolers that get their lunch money stolen. I'm finally in the group of "The Unknowns" who get left alone. Pete and Eliza are in the upper class. The ones who pick on the lower classmen and are worshipped for all of their extracurricular activities and attractiveness. Harry and Sam are in the middle class with me. We're nobodies and we affect no one. Downside of being in the middle class? We're the biggest of the social classes so we hate on each other. I get thrown around by my "brothers" but that's about it and they get thrown around by other middle classmen. The rules of the social classes in Brunsworth High School include, but are not limited to:

Upperclassmen will be demoted to lower classmen if found dating a lower classman.

Middle class men are nobodies have no rules for they need no one but themselves to associate with.

Lower class men are to lay low if they wish to survive high school.

The basic rule of Brunsworth High School is simple, follow the unspoken social rules and you will survive.

The biggest hype of high school is being invited to an upperclassman party, especially if you're middle or lower class. Then the worst thing ever is having your parents say you can't go because you have to watch the neighbor's cat. I'm allergic to cats and my father knows that but he let Felicia tell me to watch the neighbor's cat, the night of the party. I live down the street from the black haired twins and it wouldn't be hard to just go if Felicia hadn't convinced my father to ground me to it for something I didn't do. Sam had filled the fish tank with Kool-Aid powder and told Felicia that I did it. I mean, come on, I actually have an IQ that isn't in the negatives. Why would I put red Kool-Aid in the fishtank? First that's a waste of good Kool-Aid and second why the fish tank where everyone could see? Why not the septic tanks on the toilets? At least that would surprise someone. So tonight while I'm choking down allergy pills to watch an evil black and white speckled cat, the moron twins get to go to the upperclassmen party. Which means no one will be home because dad decided to take Felicia on a date to the new Italian restaurant half an hour away.

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