Chapter 9

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It's been days since Peter told me what I did. Honestly I still don't think I'm the type of person to do that. On the other hand, Eliza needs to know what happens to her. I can't believe she did that. I have no words; I've been like this since Peter left. I wanna go home. I want to talk to Charlie. I want answers from her. All of a sudden there's a knock on the door. I don't want to get up. Honestly I don't even know what day it is. Peter hasn't come back since he told me I killed my entire family.
"Who is it? What do you want?" I yell at the door. "GREGG LET ME IN! HURRY!" Charlie yells from the other side. Oh crap. I rush to the door and let her in. "Charlie? What in the world? What's going on?" I let her catch her breath. Why is she here though? I mean, I don't want her to be anywhere except here but how did she get here? "Gregg we need to leave. Now." She clips the brown bracelet thing to me and jumps on my back. "Press the green button Gregg. We need to leave now." I press the green button and suddenly I can't see anything.

Moments later I see a bright light, then black. I don't know how long I was out but I woke up next to a sleeping Charlie. She reminds me of someone but I can't quite put my finger on it. She's beautiful but I don't feel for her the way I thought I felt about Eliza. I think I love Charlie but more as a best friend or family. I know her hardly at all yet I feel so strongly about her. Nonetheless, right now I have so many questions for her. She shuffles a little in her sleep so I try my hardest not to wake her. I hear some noises coming from the other room. That's when I really take notice of the room I'm in. The walls a sort of a soft pink; almost white. The shelves are littered with stuffed animals and knick-knacks of different sorts. I see lions, a couple of dinosaurs, puppies, and lots of cats. I really hate cats.

I hear another loud noise, reminding me why I noticed the stupid, stuffed cats. I get up and open the door, checking to see if I've awakened the sleeping brunette. She's still sleeping but someone keeps making noise somewhere in the house. I walk down the narrow hall and into the open concept kitchen. This place is so big that the kitchen alone felt like the size of my house. I see a man cooking in front of the stove; it smells amazing. The dark haired man turns around. "Oh hey Gregg, you're awake." Holy crap it's Mr. Angelico.
Wait, why am I surprised? He's Charlie's uncle. "Hey Mr. Angelico. When am I exactly?" He chuckles and my head hurts due to the fact that that question made sense. "The day after you left. We made sure your dad knew you were staying over here tonight. If they ask you any questions just tell them you passed. Now, what would you like for breakfast?" Well, "I want answers, Angelico." He gives me the teacher look but I ignore it. "Gregg, call me Marc or Marcus, for now at least. You'll get some answers when Charlie wakes up. She knows more about your questions than I do. But I can tell you this: I'm not Charlie's uncle. I'm her father and I came back from the future with her." Somehow that doesn't shock me even a little bit.

I walk back down the hall without saying a word and burst into what I assume is Charlie's room. "Charlie, it's time to wake up now. Come to the kitchen when you're ready to be questioned." I sounded so monotonous and cold. Where has my emotion gone? I hear Charlie shuffling around as I walk away. She's not too far behind me, she got up quickly. I get back to the kitchen where Marcus has set the tables and served breakfast. He made omelettes and bacon, the real kind from a pig. Charlie and I sit down at the table and remain silent. Marcus breaks the silence by asking if we'd like anything to drink.

"No thank you. I'd like to be answered now though." I reply. Charlie gets a cup of coffee and sits back down. "Ask away Gregg. I want to answer everything." I prepare all of my questions. "Who exactly are you two? I know as much as that you're not from this time. My only knowledge comes from the twins and what Marc just told me." I look to Charlie with my question. "Okay. Big question Gregg. I need you to prepare for the answer." I nod my head to show her that I have mentally prepared myself for anything she has to tell me. "My name is Charlotte Evelyn Masterson."

Masterson? As in Greggory Masterson? No no no no no. Not again. "Charlie, are you saying that you're my daughter or family member of some kind? Am I having a deja vu moment?" She sighs. "Yeah. I followed the twins here because I knew their plan was to pose as me and gain your trust so they could kill you. Which in turn would kill me." I can't believe this. My brain keeps telling me she is lying but I just have that gut feeling that she's telling the truth. "But wait, Marcus, you just told me that you are Charlie's father. I'm not sure I follow." Marcus smiles and laughs a little. "My turn I guess. My name is Greggory Phillip Masterson. I'm the father of Charlotte Evelyn Masterson. My wife, Evelyn, died before she got the chance to meet our beautiful daughter. The amazing thing is, I met her before I even met my wife." He finishes with a somber smile. I know for a fact he is telling the truth. No one, not even my own father knows my middle name but he does. It's just something I like to keep to me, myself and I. And now my daughter.

I get out of my chair and pull Charlie out of hers and give her the biggest embrace my skinny framed body can give. I let her go and sit back down. "Tell me all the lies the twins told you." I try to think back to when I first talked to the twin. "They started by saying they didn't know what ninjas are. Then called me 'dad' and kidnapped me to the future. They left me with future Pete and he told me the most lies. I was told that just after I turned thirty I went insane and murdered my entire family. Apparently my brother Harry was a major leader of the country and when he was killed, we went to war. I had started the biggest civil war since, well, the Civil War. He also told me that Eliza had committed suicide after I had killed her fiance. You can take a guess on who that was. Sam. Which was interesting news to me. I didn't believe that part for a second. I can't remember anything else."
Charlie and Greggory nodded as I spoke. "Well, you're right about the one thing. Elizabeth didn't kill herself. She's definitely alive and kicking."

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