Chapter 4

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"Get out of my room!" I screamed at the twins. "Get out of my room and get out of my life!" The twins laugh and push me out of the way. "You dipwad! You think you can tell us what to do?" Sam said. Harry shoved me to the ground and Sam kicked me to the side. I hate them. I want to run away from this house and so-called "family". There's no way he's talking about the other twins, right? They left over an hour ago and I'm sure that he wasn't home when they were here. "Where are they dipwad?" Sam asks. "I don't know what you're talking about. What do you want?" I ask calmly so as to not get him even more mad. "You know exactly what I want Gregg. I want to know where they are." He sounds more mad even though I still don't know what he's talking about. "What are you talking about? Your cigarettes? Your magazines? I don't know what you want!" I scream back. Harry is laughing in the background; Sam is livid.

"GREGGORY! I WANT MY IDENTIFICATION CARDS BACK!" He shouted with his whole body. I feel the rage and desperation radiate off of him. "Oh, you mean these?" I say ever so sly and pull his driver's license and school ID out of my pocket. I almost forgot I had them. I had to know Samantha's full name. He hates his name so he made sure no one knew what "Sam" is short for except Felicia, himself and the school district. Sam hated his name and swore he'd kill anyone who knew it. Felicia always called him Sam because he'd throw a fit if she called him by his full name. "Give them to me Greggory." He said as if I also hated my own name. "Bro, everyone knows my name. You got nothing on me." And he knows it. Harry sat on my bed to enjoy the fight. "Oh Samantha. You have a wonderful name. Why do you hate it so much anyways?" He ponders the question with an expression of anger on his face. "I hate you more Gregg! Now give them back!" He sounds as if he is about to cry. I almost feel bad. He walks closer and soon enough he's on top of me trying to get the cards. I push him off of me and dart out the door. Half way down the stairs I see Felicia and have to think about my next move. I can run past her and get in trouble later or I can get it over with now and keep the punishment to a minimum. I choose the latter and stop in my tracks. Sam and Harry don't notice my sudden stop and come crashing into me at full speed. All three of us crash down the stairs and exclaim our shouts of pain.

"Get off me dipwad!" Sam starts. "I can't get off of you when you're on me!" I follow. "Guys! Both of you need to get up because I can't feel my arm!" Harry finishes. We jump up and help Harry into the kitchen as he yells for his mother. Felicia rushes to her favorite son and screams at Sam and I. "What happened? Do we need to go to the hospital? Oh my god, you two! Look at what you did to your brother!" "He isn't my brother." I quietly mutter under my breath. "He is your brother and you need to learn to love him like blood brothers love each other! Now, Samandriel, tell me exactly what happened!" I look at Sam's face. He's gone pale and his eyes are wide with anger. "MOM WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?! I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME THAT STUPID NAME! MY NAME IS SAM IF ANYTHING!" He storms off in anger, leaving me to tell Felicia what happened. "I took Sam's ID cards because I wanted to know his full name. He got mad and chased me down the stairs; Harry followed. Somehow Sam and I landed on Harry." I spoke softly with sympathy for Harry. Felicia was runner her fingers through Harry's orange hair as he kept in his cries of pain. His arm is definitely broken. "Okay. Let's go boys. Sam! We'll be right back." She yells up the stairs. This family is just as broken as Harry's arm. What kind of brother doesn't go to the hospital with his twin? Just because he doesn't like his name.

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