Chapter 10

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So Elizabeth is behind all of this. She told Peter what to tell me, She came back to this time and told the twins a bunch of lies, got them to gain my trust, kidnap me to the future, and kill me. Her plan was to make me look as if I was the one that destroyed everything then "swoop in and save the day" as Charlie put it. So she chose to destroy my life to make herself look good. Where does Pete come into this? Well, he was a decoy until it was her time to shine. If Charlie hadn't gotten me out of there, the police would have burst in and plastered my face everywhere saying that I had killed my brother and family and had started the war. They would've executed me and then the weeping widow would be the heroine and be praised for being so "brave" by turning me in instead of cowering. But Charlie got me out of there and now we're here.

Charlie and future me, who I call Phillip, are taking me home to see my family. Phillip is driving, which means I pass the test, and Charlie is in the back seat with me. "Do you think you'll be okay after all of this has passed?" Charlie asked with a concerned tone. "Yeah, I'll be okay. I'll pretend it was all a dream or something. I mean, technically, I was only gone one night even though I was gone for a week or more. I don't even know how long I was stuck with Peter. How long did it take you guys to find me anyways?" I never realized that I really could've been gone for a lot longer than I really was. "Almost a week. We chose the day we left but forty years later. We didn't know where you'd be the day you left. All we knew was where you were right before you were killed. Don't ask how we got that information. Let's just say there was a lot of tries and fails." Phillip says. Charlie looks at her lap and then rubs her eyes. Is she crying? I don't want to make her cry.

"By the way Gregg, your wife's name wasn't Evelyn. You can't know who to look for so I used Charlie's middle name. She loved the name Evelyn and you and I loved Charlotte." I do like the name Charlotte. Charlie is a cute name for a girl. Phillip pulls into the driveway and lets me out. I say goodbye and I thank Charlie for saving me. "I'll see you soon Charlie." I say. "Make sure you don't screw me up Gregg. I did pretty good in life but I also made mistake. Don't think your life is over because of Charlie. I thought she ruined my life until I held her small, frail body in my hands. That's when I knew my life was just beginning." We both look at Charlie, who has fallen asleep with her head in her lap. I quietly say thank you and wave goodbye as he leaves.

I notice that there's a strange car in the driveway. I don't think my dad would buy a new car without my opinion so who's would it be? I walk into my door, not into my house, into the door. It's locked and I don't have my key with me, great. I ring the doorbell a couple hundred time and knock on the door until someone answers the door. Sam opens the door. "Why don't you have your key dipwad? Forgot to grab it before going over to your girlfriend's house for the night?" So not in the mood for this. "Whatever Samantha. Who's here? I saw a strange car out front." The smirk left his face and he looked down. "I don't know. Some chick. She's in the living room. Introduce yourself." Sam walked away quickly.

That was strange. I walk into the living room and see a dark haired lady sitting on the couch, talking to my dad. "... Chrissy, you can't be here. Gregg will be home soon. You need to leave, now." My dad is whispering. I hide behind the wall that separates the foyer from the living room. "Ronald, I can't leave. I left him so long ago and I'm ready to come home. Let me back into his life. You can't keep me away from my only son." Son? Me? Is that my mom? I haven't seen her in almost a decade. That's what she looks like? "Chris, he grew up fine without you, he doesn't need you now. Don't change his whole life in one day. If you want back in his life in any way, come back slower. Start with letters, then phone calls, then maybe you can visit every once in awhile. Start there Chrissy. Not by just showing up one day." My dad is right but she's here now so might as well. I walk out into the living room.

"Dad? Who is she?" My voice cracked a little. Why did my voice crack? Am I crying? "Gregg," My dad sounded panicked "this is Chrissy. She's no one and she's leaving. Isn't that right, Chrissy?" He looked at the tall brunette. She has my eyes and she's crying. She hasn't spoken or moved, she just keeps staring at me. "Dad, she's not a no one. She said I'm her son, dad! Don't lie to me!" I'm sobbing. Why am I sobbing? I haven't seen her in nine years. I don't care about her. She didn't care about me, why does she care now

"Hello, Greggory. I missed you so much and I thought of you every single day but I couldn't come back and someday I'll explain why and you'll understand but right now you'll just have to trust me when I say that I wanted to come home. I really did." Chrissy said to me. Oh no. I can feel it happening. I can't breath. I sit on the couch and hold my head in my hands. I'm shaking and crying and panicking. Panic attack. Everything went blurry and I'm pretty sure I blacked out from the lack of oxygen I was intaking because of hyperventilating.

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