Chapter 2

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"Well, are you gonna face me Greggory?" the voice from the kitchen asked me. I still have no idea who they are or what I should do. Should I run or talk to them? Maybe get the cops on the phone then talk to them so it'll be recorded. I can't think when I'm panicking! Don't have a panic attack Gregg, if you do then you won't be able to do anything, let alone think. Okay okay okay okay okay. My mind is racing. Calm down Gregg, maybe he just wants to talk to you. You won't die tonight. "It's okay Greggory, I just want to talk." the personless voice says. The voice sound masculine but then again it could be manipulated. "What do you want to talk about? Who are you?" I reply to the voice. "Unlike you Greggory, I like talking to a face, not just a voice. Come in here, I promise that I won't hurt you." I begin to walk into the kitchen where the voice was.

Slowly, I turn the corner and a figure begins to appear. It's leaning against the farthest wall of the kitchen where the back door is; that must be where they got in. As I turn the corner I see the figure more clearly. He is definitely male. He stands about 5'8" and is wearing all black; he's not in normal clothing. His clothes are tight to his skin and covers every part of his body except his blue eyes. He looks like a ninja. Why is there a ninja in my neighbor's kitchen? And why does he want to talk to me? "I don't understand." I say as another ninja looking person walks out from behind the first one. This startles me and I jump back about a foot, hitting the counter and hurting my back.

This is not my day! The second ninja is a girl. She's about 5'6" and skinny but curvy but that's all I can really tell about her except that she has the same blue eyes as the boy next to her. Siblings maybe? Who cares? "What is going on here?!" I yell. "Shut up Greggory. Let us talk for a moment." I go silent as the girl speaks. I don't know her voice either. I jump and sit on the counter because I feel that if I continue to stand I may faint. As I jump though the girl take a defensive stance as if I were about to attack her. She sees that I just wanted to sit down and she relaxes her body. "Okay," I begin, "you can talk and I'll listen, but only if you answer my questions. First, how do you know me and second, how did you get in here?" I ask cautiously.

"Well,"  the boy starts to respond but the girl interrupts, "Why didn't you ask who we are?" I ponder that question for a moment, not even realizing that I didn't ask that question. "I guess I just assumed you wouldn't tell me. If you wanted me to know then you wouldn't have covered your faces." They look at each other and shrug. "Okay Greggory, we'll answer your questions. First answer, we've been monitoring you for a while and second, the back door was unlocked." Wow that was unexpected. How did I forget to lock the back door? Wait, that isn't the situation at hand. "You've been monitoring me? What is that supposed to mean?" The girl impatiently replied, "Listen Gregg, we answered your questions now you have to listen to us and answer our questions. We've been following you and monitoring your activities. Let me just say right now that you have one boring life. I almost died of boredom while watching you. Seriously, how do you play videogames that long without stopping?"

Well that's insulting. The boy steps in, "What she's trying to say is that we were assigned to make sure you don't screw up the future. We're trying to figure out where you went wrong." Wait, what? "The future? You mean, you guys are time-traveling ninjas?" I'm beyond confused right about now. "Yes Greggory, we are from the future. One question though, what are ninjas?" the boy calmly asks. I put my palm over my face and shake my head. I should kill myself now because I'm going to end up in a world that knows nothing of ninjas. I pull out my phone, they both get tense and defensive, "Calm down, I'm just gonna show you what a ninja is." I say. I turn my phone showing them a picture of a man in a black suit that covers all of his body except his face. "Oh, I guess we do look like a 'ninja'. Whatever that is. Whatever. Back to what I was saying." The boy continues, "We decided to expose ourselves because we found where you go wrong."

I think for a while what I could have done that would affect the future. "What did I do?" I question, still thinking of possibilities. "Greggory, not only did you miss the biggest party of this school year but you also lost an elderly couple's cat." the girl says. "What? That's where I go wrong? How would that screw up the future? Wait, where's the cat?!" I panic. I had one job: watch Checkers. "Long gone by now Greggory. He ran out when we came into the house." the boy replies. "You moron! You let the cat out! You're the one that screwed up the future, not me!" I'm furious. How dare they blame me for their mistake. "Greggory," she begins, "My name is Gregg! Just Gregg! Stop calling me Greggory!" I snap. "I apologize, Gregg. You also didn't go to the party. You don't even know how that affects the future but it does. The cat just happened to get out so that was our way of telling you." She giggles out the last part. I don't laugh because it isn't funny. "I'm going to look for Checkers. If I don't find him, you guys get to explain to the poor old lady and her husband that you let the cat out because I'm not going to break their hearts." I begin to walk out of the kitchen and then out the front door.

I wonder when the party ended; the awful music stopped. I hear meowing coming from behind the bushes across the street. "Checkers?" I call out as I walk curiously over to the meowing bush. Sure enough it was the black and white demon cat. Checkers' collar was stuck on a branch of the bush across the street. I pick up the checkered cat and flinch when it hissed at me but continued to hold onto the cat. I walk back to the Albertson's home to return the feline demon. The Albertson's pull into the driveway in their white buick and wave to me as I enter their home. I run to the kitchen to make sure those "ninjas" were gone and to my surprise, they were. Laura walks into the kitchen so I grab Checkers' water bowl and act like I'm doing my job. "Hello Greggory! I hope Checkers wasn't too much of a bother to you. Thank you so much for your help. Danny has a surprise for you in the living room." Laura says with most sincere smile. I walk into the living room and see Daniel standing by the door with money in his hand. "Mr. Albertson, I did this for free. I can't take your money." I say honestly. "Are you just saying that because you don't want to take money from an old man? Listen son, when someone offers you money, take it. No matter who they are. Money isn't easy to come by." Danny said with a low chuckle as he hands me twenty dollars. "Thank you Mr. Albertson." I say as I walk out the door. "Call me Danny. Mr. Albertson was my father." He shuts the door and I hear the lock engage.

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