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*Hunter Hunted - Gentle Folks*


I woke up, still extremely exhausted but relived. I took my time getting up and getting ready. Healing usually doesn't take long but I've never experienced someone else's death so it's understandable that I had to take things slow.

"Sammy, you're awake" Sarah said from the door. I had just finished getting dressed.

"How long have I been out?" I asked as I slipped on my shoes.

"A few days"


"Yeah. Deaton said to let you rest, that you'd wake up on your own." I nodded. I sighed before walking downstairs. Sarah followed. A knock came from the door so I went to open it.


"Mom!" Sarah yelled. She shoved me to the side as she attack Karen with a hug.

"Hi girls"

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"I'm here to take Sarah home" she said.


"Sammy, I've been hearing a lot of stuff about you lately. I don't think you're suitable to care for your sister at the moment" coming from her that's kind of funny.

"And you are?! You're never home most of the time. And you never call. Ever since Sarah got here last year, you've never called to check on her. How do I know she's safe with you"

"You didn't even know about her until last year"

"Yeah and who's fault is that?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Look Sammy, I'm taking her back. End of story." she walked up the stairs to Sarah's room. Sarah stood by the door, sad. I walked to her.

"Be good okay" I said to her while putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I don't want to go" she looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I don't want you to go either sweetheart, but what she says goes." I sighed as I hugged her.

"Be good. Stay safe" I kissed her on her forehead.

"You too." Karen walked back downstairs with two suitcases, which obviously wasn't enough to pack all of Sarah's belongings.

"Everything else is staying here. Whether you want to pack it up and put it in storage or not, that's up to you."

"Oh, I get a choice now" I said under my breath. She ignored me and continued on out the door. She came back after she put the bags in her car.

"I don't know if she's coming back. Be careful, stay safe."

"Yeah, whatever. If I get word that she's hurt or worse, dead, I'm coming after you." I flashed my eyes at her.

"We're family Sammy" she said laughing. She really thinks I'm joking.

"You never leave family behind. You've always left me behind" I said angrily. I wasn't so much mad at the fact that she's never been around, I mean, I've grown up just fine, but now she's taking Sarah away and I don't ever want anything to happen to Sarah. Ever. I watched her car pull out of the driveway and down the street. Sarah was gone.


I was on my way to the school to talk to Scott and Stiles before the recital. Usually I would call or text but I felt the need to see them in person. On my way there, I had this weird urge to go to Derek's. My brain was so focused on going to his place. No matter how much I tried to stop, my body just kept driving.

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