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*David Condos - Like Wolves*



"Hey sweetheart"

"Uncle Scott and Uncle Spaz are here" I laughed at his name for Stiles. He must've picked it up from his dad.

"Okay, go up to your room. I'll call you down in a bit" I kissed him on his forehead before going outside. There, I found my two best friends admiring the scenery around them.


"Sammy!" the both rushed at me and engulfed me in a hug.

"It's been a while" I breathed out.

"It's been too long" Scott said as we pulled apart.

"Where's sour wolf" Stiles asked while looking behind me inside the house. I smiled as Derek snuck up behind him.

"Behind you" Stiles jumped into me which only made me laugh harder.

"Whoa, hey, there's my girl" I turned my head at Scott.

"Uncle Scott!" a little girl jumped off of Derek's back and into Scott's arms. Derek walked to me.

"Wait, hey! What about me?"

"Oh no. We gotta go. Get on my back!" Scott whispered to her. She giggled as she climbed on. Stiles tried running after them but he was too slow. I smiled at my two best friend's. I looked up at Derek. This was my future; a future with him.

A blaring sound broke me from my sleep. I sighed as I turned off my alarm. I always have the weirdest dreams after being out all night with the two idiots that are at the center of my life. I rolled out of bed and got ready. I drove to Derek's loft. I walked inside, trying to find any sign of him. Any sign that he was okay. I searched every square inch of his loft, but came up empty handed. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Yeah, we'll meet you at Derek's loft. Okay. Bye" the twins walked through the door. I walked down the stairs and Aiden growled at me.

"It's only me" I said with my hands up. He was still vicious as always.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"What are you doing here?" Aiden questioned

"I asked first" I said

"I asked second" Aiden barked back. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Uh, just came to check on the place" I said, which wasn't exactly the truth, but it also wasn't a lie.

"Stiles and Scott want us to help Scott control his shifting again." Ethan said. I nodded. The three of us sat there in silence waiting for Scott, Stiles and Lydia. I heard Lydia's heels clicking on the cement. Aiden and Ethan went to hide from them.

"They said they'd meet us here" Lydia said as she and Stiles came inside. Aiden and Ethan began beating Scott up at the door. Stiles took Lydia out of their way. This went on for like ten minutes.

"I thought you guys were going to teach me to roar" Scott said. He was on the ground, and was beat up pretty badly.

"We are. You do it by giving in"

"Giving in and letting go. That's how Deucalion taught us control."

"Hey, you know, that's funny. Sammy and I actually tried something like this one time using a heart monitor and lacrosse balls. But you're right, beating the living crap out of him is probably a lot better." Stiles said

"That's actually the plan? You kick my ass?" Scott questioned

"You're afraid to turn." Aiden said

"We're gonna make you turn." Ethan said

"Then you kick our asses. And then you roar." Aiden said

"Come on, Scott. Fight back." Stiles whispered

"What if I can't control it? What if I can't turn back?" Scott asked

"Then it takes over."

"You become Malia. You get further and further away from being human. You turn into an animal." Ethan said

"Or worse. You turn into Peter." Aiden threw Scott onto the table and proceeded to punch him in the face. Scott had completely stopped trying to defend himself.

"Ethan" I pushed. Ethan stopped his brother from hitting Scott again.

"What? I thought we were helping him." obviously, there's still a bit of anger that lingers.

"You help too much." Ethan said. Aiden looked down at Scott then got off.

This plan was a bust but we couldn't give up. Scott, Stiles, Lydia and I met up with Allison and Isaac in the woods. The plan was to tranquilize Mr. Tate so he doesn't kill the coyote which is really his daughter and get the coyote to become human again. This was going to be a great day. We all broke apart. I had no idea what my part of the plan was but I was going to try to find Mr. Tate. I was trying to catch his scent but the wind blew a bunch of scents everywhere. A scream rang through the air.

It was Isaac.

Find Mr. Tate or find Isaac? I started towards Isaac. I found Isaac's scent in the wind and followed it. I spotted the coyote, Malia. Shit. What do I do now? I took a step in Malia's direction. A clicking noise froze me. I looked down at my foot and surprise! I stepped in a damn bear trap, except this wasn't meant for a bear, it was meant for Malia, but Malia wasn't in it, I was.

"Shit Sammy. Think" I tried not moving my foot too much. I guess I would heal but it would still hurt like hell.

"Okay, if I made a trap and put de-arming instructions on it, where would I put it?" I thought for a minute or so before getting an answer. On the bottom. I bent down slowly and looked for a label. I found a red sticker thing on the back on the trap but I couldn't read it because I had to look at it upside down. Great.

"Okay, so if I made a trap and put de-arming instructions on it, what would be the most obvious thing that would disarm it?" I looked over the trap. The trigger was a pedal thing in the center. The pedal was attached to two sharp things that close on a foot. And there's a nozzle on the side. The nozzle doesn't relate to the trap so maybe it's what unarms this shit.  I put my hand on the nozzle and twisted it, then jumped out of the damn thing before it closed. Thank goodness. Too many hazards for me to deal with. I started walking back to the meetup spot, being extra cautious of the ground. I loud roar echoed through the air. I smiled. Scott got his roar back.


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