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*Gabrielle Aplin - Start of Time*


I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital room. I was hooked up to a bunch of machines, but I didn't feel like myself. I raised my arm to look at the patient bracelet. This definitely wasn't me now. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I sat up and got out of bed. I turned around to find my younger self still laying in the bed, half asleep. This was after the fire. The door clicked behind me so I moved to the other side of the bed.


I didn't know he visited me while I was here.

"Sammy." I watched as he stood over my body. He gently grabbed my hand. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"I love you."  A gusting wind blew the window open, catching my attention. I looked deeper into the darkness. The darach came forward and lunged at me.

I blinked and when my eyes came open again, I was standing in the middle of a field. I could hear the sound of gunfire. A shadow zipped past me. I followed it the best that I could. The both of us came upon a cliff. It turned to go in the other direction when an arrow zoomed past me and into a tree, just above the other person's head. I looked behind me to find the shooter. They stepped into the moonlight.

It was me.

I watched attentively as my younger self walked closer to Derek, who at the time I didn't know was him. My  breathing was hard and heavy, I had been chasing him for half a mile. I was told not to let any of them get away, so I tried not to. Derek had his back facing me. I drew an arrow, preparing myself for the worst, but hoping I wouldn't be forced to take a life.

"I have to take you" I breathed out.

"Spare me the torture and kill me now"  I raised my eyebrow confused. I knew his voice, a voice I'd grown to love it.

"Derek?" I questioned. He turned around, slowly.

"Sammy" I lowered my weapon and backed away. I couldn't turn him in. I loved him too much to let my father have control over him. I heard light rustling in the leaves a few meters away.

"Sammy I was going to tell y-" I raised my bow and shot an arrow just above his head. I couldn't risk hitting him, even in a place that would easily heal. I was the best shot in the family, my arrowheads were laced with the deadliest form of wolfsbane. He looked at me with disbelief.

"Go." I instructed as I strung up another arrow. I looked to my right to see another hunter approaching.

"What" he took a step closer.

"Go" I took aim.

"Come with me" 


"Sammy" I gave in. I shot again but this time I hit a tree farther away.

"Run" he took off and I followed close behind. We ran for about half a mile. My lungs couldn't take anymore. I had lost Derek, I had no idea where he went. I started running again, I had to find him. I came upon the main road. A car almost ran over me but I jumped out of the way.

When I looked up again, I found myself in the hallway of the high school. I got up and spun around a few times.

"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it?" a voice echoed in the halls. I turned around looking for the body to attach the voice to.

"Everyone has it, but no one can lose it. What is it Sammy?"  my eyes grew wide.

"Who are you?" I yelled.

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