Chapter 1

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I own no part of Harry Potter, though I wish I did.


Nothing was ever in its place, her shoes were never where she left them, her clothes were never in the right drawers, and she was lucky if her wand was ever where she had placed it, But that was life living with Luna Lovegood. Her roommate was messy, unorganized and just a little bit mad, but Ginny wouldn't have it any other way. Although this particular evening, it would have been convenient to find her cloak on the hook where she had left it. Ginny thought of leaving without it, but the rain was pounding against the windows and if Harry was late she did not want to get soaked to the bone. Even a drying spell wouldn't last long in the downpour.

"Found it!" Luna came walking into Ginny's room carrying the dark green cloak "it was in the oven" Luna said as if this was an entirely normal place to store one's outerwear.

"Thanks, Luna gotta run, Harry's waiting" Ginny waved to Luna as she ran out the door of their apartment and disapparated to Grimmauld Place.

Since the war had ended Harry had been different, something in him had been lost. Where once there was a boy filled with hope and wonder even when the world was dark, there was now a grave, unenthusiastic man. It took almost no time at all for everyone to notice the change in him. Ron and Hermione felt so alienated by his behavior that they quit trying, Ron had even resigned from his job as an Auror, and began working with George at WWW. Mrs. Weasley no longer invited him to family dinners; Mr. Weasley stopped owling him for input on muggle objects he had stumbled across and Hagrid no longer wrote. As much as she had tried to hang onto their relationship, even Ginny had been preparing to end things with him for some time, it wasn't that she was insensitive to the things he had seen and done, but loving someone who was absent was too hard. She had almost pulled the trigger last week when something changed.

Harry had just finished a shift with the Ministry, rounding up some of Voldemort's more stubborn followers, when he flooed to Ginny's flat. The typically brooding young man was animated and happy, regaling her with a story of his work day and cracking jokes at the expense of his latest prisoners. It was like a light had been turned on and he had reverted to the Harry he once was. Every night for a week straight he showed up in Ginny's fireplace with a smile on his face and happiness in his heart. So when he owled her that morning asking her to meet him at his home, she was happy to oblige. Luna was confident wackspurts could explain his new odd behavior, but Ginny thought different, she could feel in her bones that he was happy. She had seen him change once before and knew he had changed again, her dreams of the life she once wanted to share with him had returned and since tonight was their anniversary she knew it was to be special. He's going to propose she reassured herself as she knocked on the door you will be Mrs. Harry Potter. 

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