Chapter 3

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Ginny woke the next morning to find she had never made it to her bed, the cold hard floor of her kitchen did not provide the most satisfying sleep. Her back and arms throbbed along with her head as she sat up and stretched her limbs, the small window above the kitchen sink let in streaks of light through her blinds, making her eyes sting. She had not been that hungover for many years and now remembered why she rarely drank fire whiskey. Crawling over the stone floor, she made her way into her living room attempting to find the time.

10:30. Luna would be at work and the apartment empty, she silently thanked Merlin as she went back into the kitchen to find a Hangover Potion. Luna rarely ever drank, and even though she knew Ginny was responsible for the most part, she still did not make a hangover easy on the girl; so life would be easier without her around for the moment. She only prayed Luna didn't see her on the floor that morning.

The hangover potion took effect immediately and the only pain Ginny felt was the one in her heart. This time yesterday she was looking towards getting engaged, not dumped, and even though the words never left Harry's lips, she knew that's what he intended. Replaying every moment from the night before, up until her third fire whiskey, that's where things began to get a bit fuzzy. In fact, Ginny couldn't remember anything; she wanted to get drunk and forget, but she didn't realize how skilled she had been at it. Figuring the night would piece itself together, she decided a long hot bath would help her recovery.

Stripping herself of clothing in her living room, she headed towards the shared bathroom at the end of the hall. All morning she had been so much in her own head she hadn't even heard the shower running, so it gave her quite a fright when she opened the bathroom door to find a dripping wet and stark naked Draco Malfoy stepping out of her shower.

"Good Lord and Merlin!" She screamed covering her eyes "why are you buck naked and in my bathroom?!"

"Well, I gotta say that isn't really how I was expecting to start the morning, but I could ask you the same thing Weasley" Draco smirked as he grabbed a towel and covered his torso. Ginny pulled a hand from her eyes ready to tear into him for being so smug when she remembered she too was naked. Her face turned red, and she attempted to cover herself and her vulnerability.

"Relax," he grabbed a towel and tossed it towards her "it's not like you have anything I haven't seen a million times, and trust me when you have seen one you have seen them all " even though he spoke the words he could not convince himself they were true. Her body was perfect, toned but lean and her red hair looked like a hot burning flame against her freckled ivory skin, she was thoroughly stunning and one of a kind. Ginny fumbled with the towel and dropped it once, allowing Draco to drink in her striking figure a moment longer before she covered herself.

"Why the hell are you here Malfoy?" She was livid, not with him, but with herself, OK a little bit of it was him. He was just so arrogant, and Ginny hated the fact that he was so damn good looking. His body was a masterpiece of ripped muscles, and his brilliant platinum hair made his grey eyes pop if he weren't such a jerk she would consider letting him help her forget about Harry. "Why the hell are you in my house?"

"Damn, you were drunk." He stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards her room "you should really learn to handle your alcohol."

"I can handle my alcohol just fine, why are you here? Give me one good reason I shouldn't hex you into next week for breaking and entering" she stomped behind him.

"It's not breaking and entering if you're invited in genius."

"Well since I didn't invite you and I can pretty much guarantee Luna didn't then it is breaking and entering!" She was fuming. How dare he just waltz in, shower and make himself at home. This was arrogant even for Draco! It was bad enough that he owned the potions lab she rented space in, but now he thought he owned her flat too!

"Seriously Weasley, who would break in here? You don't own anything worth stealing, and it's not as if your decor is a must see sight in Diagon Alley. You invited me, well you needed help getting home, and it was either the bartender or me, and I happen to know Greeture is a less savory company than I. Seriously, lay off the fire whiskey" he dropped his towel and walked towards the bed to put on his clothes from the night before.

"Merlin Malfoy! Can you at least wait until I leave the room!" She slammed the door shut behind her and went to Luna's room. She needed some clothes, and since Malfoy had decided to take up residence in her bedroom, she would have to borrow from her roommate. She found a simple black sweater and a pair of her own blue jeans, Luna did their laundry and had never been skilled at putting clothes in their correct place, so she wasn't surprised to find some of her clothes in Luna's room. Searching through the drawers of the many dressers she found a hair brush and quickly tamed her hair pulling it into a tight ponytail. Deciding she was decent enough, she left Luna's room and entered her own ready to tell Draco off. But all she found was a small piece of parchment on her bedspread.

Had to fly Weasley. Thanks for last night, it was..........eventful.


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