Chapter 8

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Ginny lay wrapped in Draco's arms, fast asleep. He never expected the night to go the way it had. For years he had wanted her to be his and tonight she was. He didn't know how long they had laid there, Ginny fast asleep and Draco admiring her beauty, for the second time in two days, Draco was happy.

Draco was no stranger to Knockturn Alley; he had spent many nights there as a child, waiting for his father to finish some form of suspicious business. Winding streets and dark alleyways had become less of a maze and more of a familiar childhood playground to him, but tonight something was different. The air tasted bitter and the usual hum of busy witches and wizards scurrying about had become quieter, less demanding, something was different. This was not the Knockturn Alley he had revered so much in his childhood, it was now a stranger to him, maybe it wasn't the site itself that had changed, so much as Draco. It's true he was no longer a dark wizard, he had removed the dark mark that plagued his skin himself years ago, but the marred purple scar made him remember, he still remembered the evil this place seemed to soak up, and there was more here now than ever.

Maudley was right. Draco thought to himself as he snaked through the dark lanes. Someone was working hard on the dark side of the wizarding world once more. 

He hadn't felt the change in this world since the rise of the Dark Lord, but he was sure it was the same feeling it held now. It felt like home. It was a sentiment he did not like, and he was just about to turn tail and run from the neighborhood when a bright streak of unmistakable red hair caught his attention. Curiosity gripped tightly at his chest, and he followed.

She was beautiful, even in the rain, even in the dark she shown like a beacon, bright and full of life. Careful to avoid being seen by anyone, including her, he kept his distance staying along the walls, years of sneaking through the halls of Hogwarts paid off well for him.

Why is she here? He thought to himself, Go Home, it's too dangerous.

He wanted to reach out and pull her back to the safety of Diagon Alley, but he knew she would just fight him. If he wanted to make sure she would make it out safely, he had to be discreet. So he followed her.

Like a Weasley would, she ended up in the one place she shouldn't, The Green Light Stool. It was a hotbed for dark and illegal activity, a breeding ground for the most disgusting and vile wizards in their society, and she walked right into the lions den. 

Draco cursed her silently, why did she have to go in there?

When the heavy door closed behind her he slipped in quietly, moving to a booth in the far corner, hidden in the shadows as he once would have done for his own amusement, but now, he buried his face in his cloak, making sure no one could recognize him.

He watched as Ginny walked straight up to the empty bar and ordered a glass of Ogden's. In a dark world, Ginny was a beam of light, so out of place. For over an hour, Draco watched as Ginny ordered round after round of fire whiskey, steadily growing drunker and drunker by the minute, more flirtatious with each shot. Soon he was unable to watch any longer, she was leaning into the bar, an inch away from Greeture, the bartender's face.

"Well look what we have here!" Draco sneered as he slid into the bar chair next to Ginny. "A weasel, in the land of the lost? Something must be wrong with the world."

Slowly Ginny turned in her chair to stare at Draco; her perfect brown eyes were glassy with intoxication.

"Whuddo you wan Maffoy?" Her speech was so slurred it was hard for Draco to understand her.

"Nothing Weasley," He lifted her glass of fire whiskey to his lips and drank, he wasn't going to let her drink another drop, even if he had to down all the liquor in London. "Just looking to enjoy a lovely evening out with excellent company" he winked at her, letting his guard down a tad, she was drunk enough not to remember any of this, so he figured why not have a little fun.

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