Chapter 6

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Level 2 was different from the other areas of the Ministry she had previously visited. Her father's office was light bright and happy, a surprising feat seeing as it was underground. But Level 2 was unique; the hall was narrow and the doors thick. Ginny turned right and began to walk slowly, looking for the Auror department as she went, each dark wood door had a plaque on it describing what was inside, 201 Investigative Magic.......202 Allied Nations and Ministries....203 Azkaban Parole.......204 Azkaban Sentencing......205 Auror Headquarters.

Ginny opened the correctly labeled door, expecting to walk directly into Draco, but was greeted by more doors and hallways; she had to be careful if she got lost she would never find her way out. After walking for about two minutes, she found his office and opened the door.

His office was beautiful; every wall was a bookcase, lined to the ceiling with books of all sizes and kind. The ceiling was domed and glass, outside the night sky, was clear and bright. She knew it was enchanted; there were floors above them, but it was still lovely and reminded her of the great Hall at Hogwarts. Draco was standing behind his desk, his back facing her looking through his files.

"You can sit, close the door, we won't be overheard since the Ministry is closed, but with sensitive cases, I prefer to be cautious. I am just looking for your file, I apologize, with the recent spike in Death Eater activity we have been overrun with cases" his voice was tired and worn, his hair was a mess and for the first time, Ginny could see wrinkles in his black sweater and slacks.

"What recent spike?" Ginny asked, completely forgetting her reason for being there. Draco spun on his heels and reached for his wand before he registered that his visitor was Ginny and not someone there to attack him.

"You're not Maudley " he was clearly angry.

"Nope, I'm not, what spike in Death Eater activity?"

"You were not supposed to hear that Ginerva; I was expecting someone else "

"You actually know someone named Maudley?"

"Yes! And do you realize you not only lied to a Ministry official but are illegally accessing the Auror Headquarters?!" He was practically shouting at her, his hands were placed on the back of his chair and his grey eyes deepened in color. But none of this frightened Ginny, she knew he was no longer the haughty little boy he was in school. No Draco was still arrogant, but he had done a complete 180 after the war. He was known for his charities and work as an Auror; he completely managed to turn his families name around. With his father in Azkaban, he and his mother were free to live the lives they truly wanted.

"Relax Malfoy, the only way anyone finds out is if you spill the beans " she walked around his desk and sat on the edge, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back on her palms. "So what's going on with Death Eaters?"

Draco shoved off his chair and leaned against his bookshelf; he couldn't deny how beautiful she looked in the enchanted moonlight of his office. He knew she was playing to his libido to try and gain answers, but he didn't care as long as he got to stare.

"Sorry Weasley, can't tell you. Why are you here anyways?"

"Not pertinent, now, but if you can't tell me then I guess I will just have to let this little bit of information slip to Hannah Abbott, you remember her right?" She leaned forward and looked up at him through her lashes. "She works for the Daily Prophet now, and I bet they would just love to know that the Ministry is attempting to cover up recent Death Eatery activity."

"Nice try Weasley." He walked around the desk and opened his office door to show her out. "but you're too much of a good girl to go ratting on the Auror s office like that, so have a nice night, don't let the door smack ya on the arse on your way out." Slowly Ginny rose from the desk and walked over to Draco. She slammed the door shut and turned to face him

"Screw you Malfoy. If you think I won't rat this place out, you're delusional. The last time this stuff began happening the Ministry attempted to cover everything up, last time they nearly lost the war for us, last time they got people killed when they didn't talk!" Now she was screaming, her red hair was flying around her face, and her brown eyes were bright with anger. "So if you think I am going to let the Ministry, or Aurors office put us in that same position again then you might as well join your father in Azkaban right now because I won't put up with any Death Eaters trying to get in my way!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them. Ginny knew very well that Draco had been forced to take the dark mark, that nothing he did was for himself but for his mother, he was only trying to save her. She could see something in him snap.

"Don't ever presume to know anything about me Weasley " he was speaking slowly and walking closer and closer to her, forcing Ginny's back against the wall of books. "You think of me as a devil to blame for all the wrong doings and terror you have faced in your life, but you know nothing of fear. You have never looked into the eyes evil and seen joy, you have never lied to a tyrant to save his enemies and sacrifice his family. You lost a brother, I lost my whole life, you lost a boyfriend, I sacrificed my flesh and blood to save him. You know nothing of fear, but if you want to know it personally, I would be happy to show you" His deep grey eyes bore into her brown ones through the anger she could see his pain. Both Ginny's arms were pinned to her side, his hands pressed against the books next to her caging her in. Her breathing quickened, and her heart raced. She knew she should be scared, but all she could feel was desire

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