Chapter 7

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He had lost control.
Draco never allowed himself to lose control, and there he was, about to kiss Ginny Weasley. He had been lusting for her since he first saw her in his building. Every month he took a day to walk through his many properties and there she was, sitting behind a desk filled with books, a pencil hung loosely between her teeth, her hair falling in light wisps from her bun. She was beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to make her his own, but she had always belonged to Potter, up until last night. Now she belonged to no one; now she could belong to him.

Draco moved his hands from the books and covered her small soft fingers with his strong ones, pulling her arms above her head. Leaning into her neck he found her ear with his lips, "I can show you fear Ginerva, but I'd rather show you pleasure."

She couldn't answer, and she could barely think. This was not a situation she was prepared to face, but she wasn't about to walk away from him. A soft moan escaped her lips, just as Draco moved to capture them in his. His tongue danced across her teeth and tongue, making her insides warm. Releasing her hands and moving to grab her waist he pulled her closer, she could feel his hard taught body pressing against her. It had been so long since she had been touched like that and her body was already giving in to his. She ran her fingers through his soft hair.

Draco mirrored her movements, pulling on her red locks just slightly to expose her porcelain neck. Moving his lips, a crossed her jaw and down her collar bone to just above the neck of her shirt, leaving a trail of warm kisses in his wake. He lifted her sweater above her breast, exposing her black bra and the supple skin of her stomach. He continued his assault on her body, soft yet firm, her desire for him rose with each touch.

Roughly, Ginny pulled on his hair bringing his face back to her; his eyes were clouded with desire. Seeing how much he wanted her only turned her on more. He covered her butt with his hands and lifted her onto his desk. Draco wanted to see her, all of her. He pulled her sweater off and released her breast from their bra. Her back arched towards him pushing her chest into his hands.

He couldn't believe this beautiful woman was finally going to be his. She was giving herself to him, all of herself to him. She trusted him, and he was not going to disappoint her.

Slowly, torturously slow, he unzipped her jeans and pulled them from her waist. She reacted by removing his slacks and toying with the band of his boxer briefs, black just as his clothes. Stripping himself of his sweater he exposed his toned and cut pecs and abs, she gasped. She had seen him only that morning, but she was now able to appreciate fully just how gorgeous he really was.

He covered her mouth with his and moved his hand to message her expertly. His fingers brought her just to the brink before he pulled back, delaying her release just a moment longer. Kneeling before her he spread her legs and worked her with his mouth, teasing and nipping with each movement. Just when she thought he was going to let her feel the release he pulled away.

Another moan escaped Ginny's lips. He knew she was begging to feel the pleasure he expertly promised her, but he wanted her to wait just a moment longer. He was going to make her feel things that she had never experienced before; he wanted to show her what a man could actually feel like. She moaned again.

"Patience Ginerva, I'll get you there" his lips had found her ear again. She reached down and found what she was looking for stroking him firmly as he'd kissed and licked her breasts.

He moved her hand from him and placed himself just barely inside of her; she was so warm and tight. Quickly he thrust himself the rest of the way inside her, drawing that sweet moan from her lips once again. He almost released the moment he was in but held off knowing he wanted to bring her there as well. He rolled and moved his hips in and out, drawing her in closer. Holding her to him tight so she could feel every inch he had to offer, he quickened his pace and then slowed suddenly, again and again bringing her just to the edge before he pulled back. She was moaning so loudly, begging for the release.

"Please, please," she needed the release, she had to have it.

"Say you want me Ginerva, tell me " he needed to hear her desire, he could feel it all around him, but he needed to hear it from her lips.

"Yes, yes, Please.... Draco"

His name on her lips was his trigger. He thrust into her one last time, looking deep into her eyes, into her soul, they came together and collapsed. He lay atop her, basking in the afterglow they had created together.

Neither had felt something so beautiful, neither had ever been so close to anyone else

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