Chapter 5

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Becoming a potions master was a secret dream of Ginny's, after Hogwarts, she joined the Harpies, but it didn't last long. Within two years she quit the team and apprenticed as a potions master. Once the one year required apprenticeship was over, she passed the Potions Masters exam with record-breaking results. As much as she loved potions she hated teaching, and even more she hated being told what to do. All her life she was bossed around by her brothers, parents, teachers and classmates, she was the youngest Weasley and therefore considered the gopher. So when she reached Masters status she knew a job as a potions teacher was out, and anything in the Ministry would require a direct boss, so Ginny did the only logical thing...she went into business for herself.

George allowed her to use his lab after work hours for some time. She began small, improving potions for headaches and hangovers, but quickly her potions became more complex and demanding. Eventually, her medical potions research was so developed that she outgrew Georges small lab and needed a lab of her own. After months of searching for the proper facility to conduct her research, she found a suitable lab.

The building hosted several labs of varying sizes, as well as a few offices. Ginny contacted the property manager and rented the largest potions lab and the office directly adjacent to it. She spent a few months in blissful work until she found out the property owner was none other than Draco Malfoy. Ginny was ready to break her lease right away, but realizing how long her initial search for a lab was, she chose to stay.

Having Draco as a landlord turned out to not be that bad, he was rarely ever in the building, his first career being an Auror, most of his time was spent at the Ministry. And the few times Ginny had run into him, he had been civil, although condescending.

"Ugh, stupid git!" Ginny yelled aloud as she apparated on the curb outside the building. She yanked the front door open and marched straight towards the reception desk.

"Ms. Weasley," the woman sneered. She was short, skinny, plain and brunette, the only things noticeable about her were her large breasts, and her obvious lust for Draco.

"Were is he Pansy?" Ginny slammed her hands down on the desk and glared. The two women hated each other on principle. Pansy was the night receptionist for the building Ginny rented space in, but also Draco's stalker, so if anyone could find him, it was her.

"I'm sure I do not know who...."

"Stop the coy shit Pansy, you know who I am talking about."

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you" Pansy looked up at Ginny shooting daggers with her eyes

"Fine, I'll just look through the labs..." Ginny noticed Pansy merely shrug and begin filing her nails; this meant he wasn't in the building. If he had been there, Pansy would be doing everything in her power to prevent anyone from speaking to her precious Draco. "....on second thought, I think I will check the Aurors office..."

"No!" Pansy leaped from her chair and stood in front of Ginny; the poor woman was the absolute worst at hiding a secret. Ginny wondered how she kept her parents identities as Death Eaters secret all those years "you can't. Draco is extremely busy and doesn't need to be interrupted, besides he's...not even there! Ha! Yeah...he' home!"

Ginny slipped under Pansy's arm and out the front doors, letting the shouts and pleading of the young woman die off as she made her way down the street to Ministry headquarters.


Ginny hated the guest entrances to the Ministry, contrary to popular belief, flushing one's self down a magical toilet was not pleasant. She was incredibly grateful that regular Ministry hours were over, so she walked around the building to the back entrance. There Ginny walked straight through the glass panel and into a small black security room where a young, bored looking wizard in blue security robes was playing wizards chess against a charmed bored.

"Hi, I need to see an Auror" she stated as she approached the man.

"If you have an emergency please visit the Auror headquarters in your designated area....." The man's voice was much higher than she expected, though his uninterested tone was right on cue.

"Um, no, I need to see Auror Malfoy."


"Umm...Maudley Markins" she lied. She couldn't tell him who she really was, Draco would either deny seeing her or be able to prep himself for her ambush, and she wanted to catch him off guard. So yeah, she lied.
The security guard wrote her name on a small piece of parchment, placed it in a tube and tapped it with his wand...making it disappear. Almost an instant later the note reappeared.

"Auror Malfoy has given you guest access to the Ministry. Enter through these doors, walk through the atrium, take the lift to level 2, the Aurors department will be on your right " he raised his wand, and placed the parchment over her chest tapping it lightly, "this is your pass, should you wander into other areas without permission you will be automatically ejected from the building. Thank you for visiting the Ministry of Magic enjoy your stay" he turned back to his game of chess, the board was beating him.

Ginny had visited the Ministry many times before, but never after hours. The atrium, usually buzzing with magic memos and workers scrambling to meetings, was empty and silent, too silent. She quickly walked across the marble floor towards the lifts and stepped inside, she pressed the button for level 2 and just before the doors closed an old wizard jumped in next to her and qued the lift for level 7.

"Evening Ginny," he murmured.

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" Something about the man was familiar, but she couldn't place him.

"Oh, oh no, not personally. I...I know your father, met him for work before. He talks about you kids a lot " he was obviously flustered.

"I see. " the lift doors opened to level 2 and Ginny stepped out. "Oh, what was your name?"

"Terry Greggorer" he spoke as the lift closed on him and Ginny was left standing in the corridor alone.

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