'Lyne! Lyne are you there?', Alex screamed at the top of his voice.
It was around 7 in the evening, and just like the best friend he was, Alex had come looking for Lyne in the woods. In their 'place'.
It was quite dark and within all the trees and the branches, he could barely see anything. He called out for her again, this time a bit more loud, a bit more desperate.
'Alex?', he heard a voice at a distance. He somehow moved towards that voice in that darkness.
He could see Lyne sitting on a fallen tree trunk. She had tears in her eyes.
Alex slowly went and sat beside her. Calm. She did not say a single word even though her lips were shaking. Alex asked first, 'So did you?'.
Lyne just moved her head vaguely, in a gesture of saying no.
Alex let out a sigh of relief.
'So what did you do?', he asked.
'I ran away, I fucking ran away from there. The moment he opened the door, I ran the fuck away', Lyne broke down. She was completely shattered. Even the slightest strength she had, was drained away. Hope had dried up, and faith, she never had faith in anything.
'It's good, it would have just made things worse, you know?', Alex's voice was calm.
He put his hand around her shoulder, holding her tight.
They both stayed that way for sometime, Lyne constantly sniffing.
'So, you don't need the gun anymore', Alex said.
Lyne looked up at him,her eyes moist and big. She held his hand tightly and very softly said, 'Remember you had said that you'd always be there for me?'.
'Yeah.', he replied.
'So I need just one last help, just this once, would you help me?', there was desperation in her voice.
'What do you want me to do?' Alex was scared.
He knew she was going to do something wrong, but his biggest fear was that he wouldn't be able to stop it?
'I had said that I needed to kill someone', Lyne's voice was shaky.
'Yeah, but you said you wouldn't kill him', Alex spoke with confusion.
'But I need to kill someone else, that would solve everything', Lyne's eyes were wet.
'What do you mean?', said Alex.
'The only way I can ever escape this, is death. I cannot take this anymore. If I do stay here, then I'll have to stay with my father, and I would never do that. For sixteen fucking years he had no contribution in my life, and now suddenly he gives three lawyers and a case, and I have to live with him? No! I can't let that happen. He thinks he can have a control over my life, but there is one thing he can never have a control over. That's my death.', Lyne cried out.
'Are you crazy? What will happen to your mother? And me? Ever thought about me? ', Alex screamed.
'But this is the only way, I have to go.' Lyne spoke.
Their argument went on for quite a long time. The whole woods echoed with their words. One planning her journey to the unknown, and a best friend dragging her into existence.
Lastly, the silence was returned to the woods. Alex gave up. He was just about to walk away, leaving Lyne alone with the gun, when she called him from behind.
'I need you, stay'.
He turned back.
Lyne moved closer to him, placed her hand on his cheek, and tried to pull his face closer. He tried to move away, to not give into her, but he did. He looked at her face, beautiful and broken. Her chapped lips, her freckled cheeks, her deep brown eyes, that scar on her right eyebrow, everything. She was damaged and yet perfect.
She moved closer to him, and placed her lips on his. A kiss. It felt as if time had stopped. He wanted to hold her tight and never let go, but he didn't, for he knew he'd miss it the most.
She let go of him, but she was still holding his hand. He sat quietly. She slowly pulled out the gun.
She told him to look away. He did.
It all felt so slow. The way she checked the bullets, the way she slowly lifted it towards her head, and how she placed it on her temple. The cold body of the gun, gave her a chill down her spine when it touched her skin.
Alex held her hand tighter than ever. He was biting his lips, trying the escape the agony. She would lose her life, and he was losing everything in it.
She pulled down the lever, and counted to 3. He wanted to scream and stop her, but he knew it wouldn't help. He was silent, even tears couldn't reveal the sorrow.
She pulled the trigger.
A deafening blast of sound.And silence.
His body was shaking, while she lay motionless on the ground. A pool of bright red blood pouring out of her forehead. He couldn't even look at her. He didn't even leave. He sat there. He just sat there. Waiting. For something.
There were so many thoughts raving in his mind, he wanted to clear it all out.
He remembered everything, all of a sudden everything she had ever said to him made so much sense. He remembered about her talking about killing someone. The first time. He realized, she was never planning to kill her father, it was always suicide. She was her kill.

Suicide Baby
Non-Fiction"Ever thought what happens to a human soul after the body dies? After it withers away and mixes with the dirt? We all know that the soul is eternal, but what happens to it?" these questions came to Lyne too. She just stared blankly at the ceiling th...