Authors note-

Okay so it's been ages and I'm so sorry I can't apologize enough and for everyone who kept on waiting and supporting me! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm a horrible person for not updating but a lot has been going on, I've been working on so many stories planning the ideas, and stuff but I'll be back on regular updates!
I hope you like this one :)
1 hour later

"Ves mantos, tre bun" I say patiently waiting  for something to happen.

"This is ridiculous" I say throwing the book on the couch and leaving.

Just then I feel a pull it was strong to make me loose my balance and fall , I was being pushed near something, and it was too strong to fight, and I just blacked out and had a vision, it was Xavier with an old man. Xavier looked like he was in pain, he was being tortured, I didn't really know what to do but I was feeling pain too.

"Hey little witch" The old man says like I was there.

"How can you see me and who are you"

"Oh I have the great witch powers of course I can see you I can do anything"

"Harvard" I say now furious as I try to go to Xavier but fail to move.

"You can't move you're just in a vision, and I'll
keep torturing him until you and you're stupid grandma stop trying to get the powers back"

And as I was about to answer him, I woke up breathing heavily, I felt pain, but I couldn't stop it. When I can stand up again , I head to the spell book and read what kind of spell this was, it was a locator spell, so either I was thinking of Xavier when I was doing the spell so i found him, or Harvard felt the magic I was trying to do, he's the greatest witch so he invited me.
Either way, I need to get my powers back even faster now.

I need to find Xavier.

"Grandma I need help like now" I scowl sending the voice message, I've been trying to reach her for the past hour, okay I'm exaggerating abit but I need her help.

I walk up to where the spell book was and start maybe finding a spell that would magically teleport me to the witch land.

"Askubend deltru" I say closing my eyes and hoping it could work.

"Askubend deltru" I repeat when I couldn't feel any thing happening. 

"Ugh this is uselessssss" giving up I pace around the room back and forth worried, if I stay much longer then Xavier won't be okay and I need to find him.

"STOP USING THIS SPELL OH MY" I hear someone screaming at me, I jump altitude and turn back to find my grandma with a furious look.

"Don't you know what this spell is?"

"Well they said it can transport you to witch land which sounded good enough when you wouldn't answer your phone" I reply back in an even sassier way.

"There are no "phones" in witch land "

"Grandma I don't care, I just had this freaking weird dream vision thing and Xavier was in pain and Harvard said that if I didn't stop he'll kill him and now isn't the time to be sarcastic about it and I'm freaking out"

"He found out"

"That's what I just said"

"We should alert the others"

"Alert who now? "

"Just come with me and stop talking" and I suddenly found myself in witch land.

"Well that was fast.." I say walking behind my grandma as she rushed to find someone which I didn't know.

"Samantha he found out" my grandma says to a blonde woman sitting behind her desk which her head suddenly snapped up when she heard.

"Oh no, what, how, we've been planning this for the past decades how can he find out"

"I guess he knew all along, we must stop him even faster now, we need to be prepared for anything and he's got her boyfriend"

"He's not my boyfriend grandma" I say finally

"Whatever that's not the point now and Xavier stone is the name, ring any bells" my grandma says to Samantha

"You're kidding right?" Answers Samantha

"Am I missing something?" I say confused

" Skylar didn't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Harvard is Xavier's dad.."

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