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"You little liar, you will pay for all your lies, no one wants you, no one wants you" she said and people started whispering, as Kate came and slapped me
And with that I lost control and slapped her twice as hard, but everything happened so fast that the only thing I heard was the principle calling my name.
"Skylar Johnson,Kate Brown to my office now"
Oh boy
Skylar Johnson

Have you ever felt like all the doors of happiness and hope are closed on your face, and that no one cares about you. That everyone used you for something you had and they didn't, Well that was what I was feeling right now. All I wanted to do was to have someone that cared about me, all what I wanted was my brother, at that moment I didn't care about anything, where is he when I needed him the most. My brother was in collage it was his first year he graduated fom this school so the principle knows him, his collage was near our school, maybe he could come to comfort me, or talk to him, I was really worried.

"Ms.Johnson....." Mr.N started talking, Mr N. and me have a really good realationship but I dont think he is to happy with me now.

"uhmm yes" i said my voie shaking

'Im not hapy with what you did, first you miss PE because you were making out with Mr.Morris, then slap Ms.Brown' he said shaking his head

"Mr. N I promise you I have nothing to do with all this, she slapped me first and the kissing part, it wasn't even me"

"But there is a camera and we don't have anything to do, the camera caught you" Mr.N said

"There's no way, I swear it wasn't me, it was Kate"

"Okay tell me isn't this you?" He asked as he showed me the video, guess what it was me and Jake.

"But ,but ,but......." I trailed off

" I'm sorry Skylar, I'll have to give you detention for a week"

" you are kidding right? Mr. N you know that I've never got detention before, you can't do that in me, please there must be another way, won't Kate get detention too?"

" Yes Skylar she will get but for 4 days only"

" and my locker?"

" we will get you another one"

" Mr.N please I know you will understand me, I promise I didn't do anything, why will I do that?"

"Skylar you know kissing isn't allowed in school, it's a school rule, I have nothing to do about it"

"Okay, I'll just go now"

I left mr. N's office crying, I ran out of the school and went to call Cole, I needed him now the most.

I dialed his number with teary eyes, he picked up after the third ring

"Cole" I said my voice was so raspy from crying.

"Sky what's wrong?" he said worried

" Cole, I-I'm not feeling well, and everything is messed up and, and I -I got detention for a week, and I'm s-scared, please, h-help me." I said not having enough energy to cry again

"Sky hold on okay baby girl, I'm coming to get you, who cares about detention, Ill come talk to Mr.N , don't worry okay " he said getting even
more worried, I hate when I do that to him.

"Cole I feel tired, come help me" I said pleading

"Hold on stay with me, 5 minutes I'll be here " he said

"Okay, bye" I said tiredly

After 5 minutes exactly Cole was standing in front of me, and I was crying like crazy,

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