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"I guess I'll leave then" Xavier said
"You can come in if you want"
"I don't wanna annoy you maybe later"
"Okay then goodbye" I say staring at him and he was starting at me, suddenly he was getting closer and leaning in, I felt a rush of heat coming through my face, but then my grandma came from behind us and coughed loudly
"Goodnight Xavier"
"Umm, goodnight madam, Skylar I'll call you" he says disappearing into his car
"You young lady go to sleep" my grandmother said


A/N: so you probably want to kill me for my slow update but I promise I'll update faster theses days I'm soooo sorry. Also there is A LOT OF GRAMMAR MISTAKES PLEASE FORGIVE ME ILL EDIT IT ALL. ENJOY :)

Skylar Johnson

"Skylar" my grandmother greeted me as a walked down stairs to eat breakfast

"Hey grandma" I said yawning

" You mom and dad are coming today"

"Oh really, I miss them, what time are they coming?" I ask taking a bite of bacon

"At 5 o'clock" she says but there is something g in her voice that's almost scared, worried.

"Okay I'll go change and like I don't know call Xavier or something, you know I have no friends technically" I say almost laughing at how everything changed.

She just nodded

I made my way up stairs and headed to the shower which was hard because of the cast I had on my hand.I could here my phone ringing through the door, so I rushed to get it hoping it was Xavier. I almost slipped again getting it.

"Hey" I said out of breathe

"Hey, Skylar how's your arm"

"It's good"

"I'm glad" he said I could feel him smiling.

"Xavier my mom and dad will come back at like 5, do you want to like do anything before that?" I asked hoping he wasn't busy.

"Yeah I was just going to tell you that, where do you wanna go?" he chuckles

" I don't know your the man you choose." I say almost laughing

"Ohh nice okay we can go get lunch or something? But your arm?" He asks

" no don't worry it's okay, I'll meet you at 1 okay"

"Yeah I'm gonna come pick you up"

" Yeah okay"

"Bye skylar" he says with his deep voice

"Goodbye Xavier" I say smiling

I'm really glad I met Xavier it wasn't one of the best meetings but he was a hot- I mean good guy, if it wasn't for him I would've been dead yesterday and a lot of things would have been even worse.

I go change into my pajamas it was still 10 o'clock I have time to change I thought. I watched the tv for a while, played on my phone, ate again until the time passed and I headed back to my room so I can change into something good for the "Hangout" with Xavier.

I wore my yellow sundress with my white flats, I didn't do anything in my hair, and kept my make up to minimal. Minutes later i heard Xavier's car horn so I made my way down stairs

" Grandma" I called out


"I'm going out with Xavier"

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