
"Whatever that's not the point now and Xavier stone is the name, ring any bells" my grandma says to Samantha

"You're kidding right?"  Answers Samantha

"Am I missing something?" I say confused

" Skylar didn't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Harvard is Xavier's dad.."


"wait what?" I say now even more confused.

"Skylar, Harvard is his father, he abused him and his mom way too much, his mom took him when he was only 7 and ran away, she knew me and she knew about witches. I helped her keep Xavier safe, he didn't have any direct symptoms of witch powers, and he seemed like a perfectly fine child, but by time his mother noticed his powers he had strong ones like mine, but she was too scared to risk his life, she didn't want him to know about Harvard or any of the witch stuff and asked me to hide his powers in him and erase his memory, Harvard then found his mother, we sadly hid Xavier's  powers with her and Harvard killed her, but the powers are still with her in her coffin"

"Oh my god" I say not finding anything else to say, Xavier is a witch like me and he didn't know about it, he's now powerless and kidnapped my his father and I'm here waiting to see what will happen.

"We need to alert Gernard now" my grandma says as she rushes to find him and I took a seat on the couch not even processing anything.

"You really like him don't you? " Samantha speaks after a long pause

"Yeah, I do"

"We'll find him baby girl, Gernard knows what to do and in no time he'll be here, but will you tell him about it?"

"I don't know, I really want nothing with this witch woho, I want my normal life back... And I definitely don't want to drag him into this, but I see he's already dragged into it.

"We all know Harvard isn't going to
Stop until he gets what he wants" says Samantha

"yeah we do.."

*3 hours later*

"Skylar save me" whispers someone

"Save you?"

"Skylar I'm here please save me"

"Where is here exactly"

"Open your mind, let me in"


"I'm hurt"

"Hi hurt, nice to meet you"

"Save me" says the voice now stronger like it as just behind me, I turn around and I finally see source of the voice.
It was Xavier, he was in chains on this giant table, with blood everywhere.

"Xavier, oh my god are you okay"

"Skylar save me"

I rush to save him, then he suddenly disappears, and I wake up breathing heavily like someone just tried knocking me out of breath.

Heart pounding heavily I run to my grandmas office, where about 10 witches were located.

"Grandma I think I found him"

Authors note

You guys I'm so sorry, I'm such a horrible person for not updating all this but I will update soon!!! *sounds of applause*
I hope you liked this chapter :)))


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