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   Lucas Friar didn't know what to think did he feel something during that kiss because his lips site did burn. Did he want to punch Charlie Gardener in his freaking face?

Oh wait we already knew this the answer is yes!

Lucas watched as Maya laid her head on Charlie's shoulder. Riley looked at a jealous Lucas and whipped out her phone.

Riley: when I put my hand on the table hold it

Lucas looked at her and nodded. She slowly placed her hand on the table.
He put his hand next to hers and their fingers laced together. Riley watched in amusement as Maya's eyes flicked with anger.

Lucas noticed too and to push her anger over the edge Riley laid her head on Lucas's shoulder and they smiled at each other. By this time Maya had enough. She clenched her jaw and casually knocked her smoothie onto Riley.

"What the heck!" Riley yelled standing Lucas stood too
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." Maya fake apologized
"It's...it's fine I'm going to go clean up." Riley huffed
"I'll get some napkins be back in a sec babe." Charlie said smiling kissing Maya's cheek

"What was that about?" Lucas smirked
"Nothing it was an accident." She lied
She didn't know why she was so angry but she hated seeing Riley and Lucas together.

"I I didn't know any better Hart I would say you still liked me." Lucas smirked
"Get a life Hopalong." Maya scoffed
Charlie came up with some napkins.

"If I didn't know any better I would say it looks like you where flirting with Maya." Charlie said throwing the napkins at Lucas
"So it's not like your going to do anything about it." Lucas raged pushing Charlie backward

"Oh you bet I am!" Charlie yelled pushing Lucas
"Don't flirt with my girlfriend." Charlie snapped hitting Lucas in the face
"Guys stop!" Maya yelled pulling on Charlie's shoulder but he nudged her backward and she lost balance and fell.

"That's it I'm going to kill you." Lucas informed pushing Charlie to the ground and kicking him in the ribs
Charlie then stood trying to wrestle Lucas to the ground.

"Charlie stop it!" Maya said pushing Charlie away
"Maya it's fine." Lucas assured
"But you bleeding." Maya said sadly looking at his lip
"Maya I'm fine now just let me beat the beat the crap out that guy." Lucas said clenching his fits

"No bigger than him lets just get out of here." She said pulling in his hand
"No you can not just hit in my girlfriend right I front of me and expect me to let you leave with her!" Charlie ragged

"Back away from my girl!" Charlie said
"Look dude I'm going to be the bigger person. Ok? Let's just call it a night." That's when everything got crazy.

Charlie pushed Lucas out of the cafe. He punched and kicked him. He beat started to beat him up until Lucas have him a swift punch to the face "knocking" him out. He got up and walked over to Maya nearly tripping over his own feet because of the blood he just lost.

"Lucas I'm so glad your ok!" Maya cheered tackle hugging him
"I'm so sorry about the break up well technically it wasn't a break up but I'm just glad your ok." She smiled through the hug

Just then Maya opened her eyes to see Charlie take something out of his pocket. A knife. Maya watched as he charged toward Lucas's back. So she did the only thing she could do she pushed him out of the way and before Charlie knew what he was doing he stabbed Maya in the stomach and everything went black.

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