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Maya Hart was curled up on the couch with her boyfriend typing away on her phone. It's been 3 beautiful months with them no fighting no jealousy and no one else she hardly spoke to Riley not because they hadn't made up ,because they did, but because she spent so much time with Lucas and her mom was never home so they could do whatever they wanted not trying to dirty or anything.

She was texting Riley and she could feel Lucas staring at her but she didn't look up.

Riley: so wyd?

Maya: sitting with Lucas u?

Riley: going out!

Maya: where?

Riley: with Farkle to Missy Bradford's party do you and Lucas wanna be my plus 3?

Maya; sure let me ask Lucas.

"Hey wanna go to a party?" Maya asks
"Sure?" He shrugs standing
"Cool Riley will text me the details."


Maya hugged Riley right as they entered the house everyone was drinking and stuff. The boys went to get punch and Riley was trying to talk over the loud music.

"Guess who's here!" Riley yelled
"Who?" Maya questioned
"My uncle Josh!" Riley chirped
"What!" Maya screeched

Maya and Josh used to date but he cheated on her and she was heart broken for months.

Just then the music turned down and Missy's drunken voice rang over the crowed house. "Ok guys go sit in a circle in the dinning room we are playing spin the bottle.


Maya sat next to Lucas and spotted Josh who sat close to Riley. He saw her and gave her a smirk. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Missy.
"Ok so the rules are if you land on some one once it's a kiss on the lips twice with tongue three times you play seven minuets in heaven." She chirped

"Ok first is....," she closed her eyes and spun around letting her finger land on," Josh!" She squealed
Josh grabbed the bottle spinning it and it landed on......Maya?

Lucas looked at her and she gave a reassuring smile. She quickly crawled to Josh pecking his lips then crawling away quick. "It's just a game," she assured spinning the bottle," plus no one ever gets it twice." She says as the bottle slows.

It lands on......Josh! The whole place whistles and Maya winces looking at Lucas. He clinched his fits. She sighed kissing him on the cheek the crawling across to Josh who instantly smashed her lips to his and stuck his tongue in her mouth. Lucas timed them 10 seconds was plenty of time and crawled over jerking Maya away.

Josh spin the bottle again and it landed on Maya again. "No no no no!" Lucas said standing up and grabbing Maya's hand. "Lucas it's just a game." Maya sighed
"No this bottle is rigged or something." He said picking it up and chunking it at a wall shattering it

"Lucas look at me I like you ok no...," she choked out the next word," random guy will change that ." She said smiling
"Random Maya really?" Josh asked standing

"Maya you know him?" Lucas asked stunned
"Well um..."

And before Maya could finish Lucas did something she never saw coming....

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