Plans in Sucsess

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"There you are!" she said, standing quickly. "Oh, look at you! You're covered in scratches!"
"Yes, but Chichi!" said Goku excitedly. "I reached Super Saiyan four today!" Chichi frowned.
"Good for you," she said, but Goku could tell she really didn't care. "Come eat dinner with me and your clinically depressed son." Goku frowned, going into the kitchen and seeing Goten sitting at the table with his face in his hands. He set a hand on his shoulder.
"Goten...?" Goten's body lurched and he started sobbing. Goku frowned. "Goten, just call him!" Goten shook his head, standing and running to his room.
"No!" He slammed the door.
"Goten, come back and eat your dinner!" Chichi yelled, but Goku interjected.
"Let him be alone," he said. "I'll tell Vegeta to tell Trunks to call him." He sat at the table and pulled out his cell phone, starting to text Vegeta. Chichi sighed, sitting at the table as well. "By the way, Chichi," said Goku as he finished his message. "It's been awhile since you've hung out with Bulma, huh?"
"Now that I think about it," said Chichi, starting to eat. "We haven't hung out for a long time."
"You two should go shopping tomorrow," Goku suggested, keeping his eyes down and starting to eat as well. Chichi smiled.
"We should!" she said happily. "I'll call her after dinner." She continued to eat. Goku's cell phone vibrated as he recieved a text. He checked it.
"Good," he said. "Vegeta managed to convince Trunks to call him. We should have our son back in about ten minutes." He continued eating, rather quickly.
"Thank goodness," said Chichi. "I was starting to worry about him. Anyway, you and Vegeta seem on pretty good terms lately, for having so many fights." Goku choked on his food. He drank water quickly so he could speak.
"Well, of course he still hates me," said Goku quickly. "Especially since I reached a new level of Super Saiyan today. But our fighting isn't really like... I'm going to kill you, fighting. It's more like training." Chichi nodded.
"It's about time you two started getting along," she said. "You are getting along, right?"
"You could say that," said Goku. He quickly finished his dinner, and then took his plate to the sink. Chichi finished shortly after and went to the phone.
"Hi, Bulma? It's Chichi!" She walked into the living room while on the phone. Goku smiled. So far, everything was going perfectly. All that was left was to make sure Goten went to go see Trunks tomorrow. Goku quietly walked to Goten's room and pressed his ear against the door. He heard Goten on the phone with Trunks.
"No... no, it really hurt me... why can't you just tell me why you were avoiding me? ... No, tell me now... you promise to tell me tomorrow? ... Okay, I'll see you in the morning then... bye." Goku gasped and hurried back to the kitchen. Goten came running out of his room. "Dad! I'm gonna hang out with Trunks tomorrow, okay?" Goku smiled.
"You two made up then?" he said, acting as if he knew nothing.
"Well, he still won't tell me why he was avoiding me," said Goten. "But he said he'd tell me when I came over. I'm gonna go tell mom!" He ran into the living room, and Goku went to his bedroom, smiling to himself. He flopped on his bed, on his stomach, and hugged his pillow, shoving his face into it. He sighed, smiling gently. Chichi came into the room and lay down, snuggling against him.
"Going to bed so soon?" she asked quietly. Goku opened his eyes quickly.
"Yes, I'm very tired, and very sore," he said bluntly. Chichi frowned.
"Well... okay... maybe tomorrow night," she said, sounding disapointed. Goku sighed and lay on his side, closing his eyes. His phone suddenly vibrated again. He looked at it under the blankets.
"See you tomorrow," it said, from Vegeta. Goku smiled and sent a message back, telling him goodnight. Then he set his cell phone on the nightstand and closed his eyes again, falling asleep.

The next morning, Goku was being shaken awake by Chichi.
"Goku! Wake up! I'm leaving now!" Goku opened his eyes, blinking. She was already dressed, with her purse in her hand. Goten came into the room.
"Come on, mom! You have to give me a ride!" he said impatiently. Goku sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"So what are you going to do all day?" Chichi asked.
"I might just stay home and read, or go over to Kame House," Goku lied.
"Okay, well, see you later tonight. Come on Goten," said Chichi, and she and Goten left the room. Goku stretched and yawned, deciding to hop in the shower; it was only a matter of time before Vegeta came over.

Chichi had arrived at Bulma's house, and they were preparing to leave to go shopping.
"Ready to go?" Bulma asked, and Chichi nodded.
"Yes," she said. "Goten, you be good, okay?"
"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore," he said, looking at the ground. Trunks laughed slightly, not looking at anyone. Vegeta stood there with his arms crossed, wishing they would just leave already. Bulma came up and kissed him on the cheek.
"See you in a few hours," she said sweetly. Vegeta gave a fake smile and watched the girls get into Chichi's car and drive off. Vegeta turned to Goten and Trunks.
"I'm going out," he said to them. "Will you two be okay here by yourself?"
"Yes," said Trunks quickly, and Goten blinked, looking at him. Vegeta furrowed his brow, but shook it off.
"Okay then," he said. "Don't leave unless you call me first, alright?" Trunks nodded, and the two boys went inside. Vegeta took off towards Goku's house. When he got there, he knocked gently. He waited, crossing his arms, but there was no answer. He knocked harder. "Kakarot!" he called. Still no answer. He sighed and just opened the door, walking right in. "Kakarot?" he called. He listened for a second, hearing the sound of a shower. He followed it to Goku's room. Before Vegeta could go in, the shower stopped. He went in curiously, just as Goku came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. They each froze, staring at each other. Vegeta blinked, scanning him slightly, and Goku blushed.

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