In Class 1-3

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@Last time the bell rang to go to first period.
Hey Lila John called. Hey Lila who is that guy that is calling your name. Oh that's the guy that I told you the likes me James and just keep walking. Okay but he want stop calling your name it is annoying. Just wait a minute I got a plan wait here. Ha Lynn come here you know how you said if I need a favor ask you while I don't like you but hug me then kiss my check okay. Yea I understand. Hi John guess what now. (Lynn hug and kissed Lila) so your taken Lila John said. Yea sorry for you luck. What is his name. Not telling you sorry. Okay James let's go to first period.
Question Lila is Lynn your boyfriend. No no no we are just good friends and he owned me a favor and now John might leave me alone but I want to get to now somebody and I might date them to. Yea me too.
One thing that James and Lila didn't know is that they both were talking about each other
Sorry Mrs.Bogden I was showing my new friend and new student to his class and I lost him and had to find him. Okay it is fine you now you wouldn't be in trouble because your never late in less your doing something important. Hey Mrs.Bogden can we go talk to you in your office. Yea come on and James sit here for now.
Can James sit next to me. Yea okay Zach go sit next to Adoneona at the end of the table and James sit at the end of table next to Lila. Ten minutes later. Okay kids don't forget to do your homework and James don't worry about it I will give you a little assignment to do and Lila can help you do it if you need help.
Ring Ring
Okay James you have Miss.Bock right. Yea. Okay well follow me okay. Hey Lynn question do you have Miss.Bock for second period yes why. Mumm will you hang with James and show him where Mrs.Plym is and that barely any girls really talk to him cause I think I fell in love at first sight. Okay but that means you own me a favor or two. It will be two because you are doing two things for me so yea. James come here you will hang with Lynn and he will show you to your third period because he has the same classes as us. Okay Lila and sup Lynn wait is Lynn a girl name. No it can be a boys name and don't be mean to me cause me and you will be friends probable for the rest of the year. Okay I was just asking and do you he a weird feeling around a girl. Yea that means you probable like her or your going to be sick. While I probably found love at first sight. Okay I am going to tell you something about love at first sight wait awhile get to now that person then decide if you like that person or not and who is that person. That person is dixe girl cause she has a personality that I like and we have four classes together and lunch but don't tell her please. I want because I don't know who she is. Dixe girl is Lila. Oh okay why do you call her that. Boys be quite. Yes miss. Bock.
In Lila's second period
Hey Yoshi I think I like the new tenth grader it was love at first sight but I don't think he will like a boring person like me. He might don't let your brain think negative thing positive. Okay
Twenty minutes later
Third period.
Hey James go inside and sit at the second table near the counter and put my back in the seat next to you. Okay. Lila look to make sure James did as she told. Now Lynn what did James say and I will not say you told me cause I want to know. Okay he say he fell in love at first site with dixe girl. Thanks for telling me. Why does he call you dixe girl. Its my nick name for him to call me. Ten minutes has pass. Hey James how about you call me dixe girl cause I like when you call me that. Okay I will and did Lynn tell you any thing. No why are you asking. Oh I was just wondering.
Ring Ring

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