Chapter 1 - Tuesday Blues

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 * So yeah, this is my first story ever on Wattpad - hope you like it! *

Dragging yourself out of bed on a Tuesday morning, I must admit, is one of the hardest things to do. In some ways it's worse than the Monday morning mood 'cos on Mondays' at least you get the slight excitement of it being a new week full of new prospects. Then it's on Tuesday when you realise, 'Oh wait! Nothing exciting is gonna happen this week because I'm just another poor high school student with dreams as big as a skyscraper yet no chance of reaching them!' There is no chance of someone sweeping you away with a record contract and the guaranteed chance to make billions, when there are hundreds and thousands of others hoping for the same. Just got to settle with the soap opera that is high school when you've got nothing better to do I suppose.

School after the Summer holidays is always a bit hectic. You have the new first year students - or 'freshmen' I think Americans call them – who have absolutely no idea where they are going and practically get trampled to the floor in between classes by the stampede of mindless beings trudging off to the next thoroughly depressing class. I tried to help one once and he turned to me and said "Cheers babe – we should shag sometime!" The ability to create a good retort had vanished from me as I just stood there, mouth open in sheer disgust.

What had happened to young people since I left primary school?

I learnt my lesson anyway! Don't help short, arrogant people – scare them! Much more fun. It's kinda like a sport: me and Daniel started keeping a tally of how many we'd 'accidentally' smashed over the head with our bags, relying on the excuse 'Sorry, I didn't see you'. Some call it cruel, I call it amusing. Anything to knock the lil' buggers off their high horses is worth it to me!

I drifted slowly into the school gates – lost in my own world of Scouting For Girls, Muse and some strange shouty music I seemed to have acquired at some point. At that moment my phone went off with a text that read - 'Hey babaaaay, yaw ass ain't bad eye candy I must say! ;D wanna hook up? ' - don't know who the text was from, some randomer who'd got my number from somewhere. I threw my phone disinterestedly into the depths of my bag. Very original Mr Stranger Man, join the bunch of other weirdos trying to get my attention.

As I walked down the corridor to my locker, half the football team practically rugby tackled me. “Yo Dee! Wassup hot stuff?" Charlie winked at me laughing slinging his arms round my shoulder playfully. I just laughed, pulling him and the rest of the guys into a big group hug.

“Break it up bitches! Dee's mine and you can't do nothing to change that!” Daniel chuckled, grabbing me from behind and spinning me in a circle before planting a soft kiss on my nose. “Hey babe, you look beautiful today, as always.”.

I smiled a cheesy grin back at him, he really was beautiful and he was all mine. His face was sculpted to perfection, with his bright blue eyes, swished brown hair, the softest lips imaginable and his body followed in the wake of flawlessness. His chest was to die for! So hard with muscles, yet so comfy; I once spent the whole evening just lying on his chest talking for hours; it was perfect.

I could see girls glaring at me from the corner of my eye; I was the girl who got all the attention. Most of the girls would kill to be best mates with all the guys from the footie team, have most the guys in the corridors check you out and go out with the hottest guy in the school. I had everything a teenage girl could dream for - long, curly, light brown hair; big blue eyes and pouty lips - I could get any guy to do as I wished. Although, with all the attention I get, I haven't had many boyfriends: plenty of offers but I just don't see the point if I don't 'like-like' them. But I've got Daniel, and I couldn't be happier!

Couldn't believe it when he asked me to be his girlfriend, honestly! He's always seemed like the type to not 'do' girlfriends properly even though he had that odd, confusing relationship with Lexie about a year ago. Everyone knew they were seeing each other but he would never ask her out officially and she was too stuck up to ask him herself.

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