Chapter 13 - You Belong With Me x

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 ** Not so good at this remembering stuff :P Chapter 13 people!!! Enjoy :)

Dedication to Ktroxasalways - you leave the most amazing comments :'D **

“What the fuck do you think you're doing ass hole?!" Andy jumped at Daniel, pulling him off me and pinning him against a tree.

“You have no right to be anywhere near her, you're fucking mental – stay away from Dee or you'll wish you never came to this school!” Andy's face was a picture of pure fury which I'd never seen before. Yes I've seen him angry but not this angry – this anger was terrifying, he looked like he was going to murder him.

“She's my girlfriend dick, I think that gives me the right to see her!” Andy gave a low, sarcastic laugh exuding venom before punching Daniel hard in the stomach.

“You don't deserve her you cocky...” He threw another punch, “Evil...” And another, “Self obsessed...” And another, “Piece of shit!”

On his final line he pulled his arm right back before releasing it like a bow and arrow and landing a blow across his face sending Daniel sprawling onto the floor, coughing. Martin grabbed Andy and pulled him away from Daniel before he literally killed him.

Daniel scrambled up onto his feet, wincing in pain before straightening up and flattening his shirt. He looked up at Andy and gave an evil sneer, his eyes glinting with hatred.

“You are just jealous 'cause I got her and you know damn fine she'll never feel like that about you.” He gave a small mocking laugh before turning and stalking away.

“I'm gonna fucking kill you!” Andy hissed after Daniel, starting to struggle furiously to get out of Martin's grasp. Simon and Will both helped in restraining him before he sunk into a helpless heap on the floor shaking with anger.

What did Daniel mean when he said that? Whatever it meant, it definitely got to Andy; I've never seen him react quite like that. All of us girls were just staring at the group of breathless guys with our mouths open, unable to quite register what had just happened.

This was all my fault. Now Andy's probably going to get charged with assault or something and it'll destroy his chances of getting into Edinburgh Uni. It's always been his dream to go to that university – apparently it has 'all the hot chicks' in it as 'the smarter the chick, the hotter they are'.

Andy once went into all the details of his amazing plan to 'help the virgin nerds' by winning over them with his incredible charm and wit and then he'd drag on the flirting ritual until the girl looks as if she's about to burst before sweeping her off her feet. Then after all the hot virgin sex (as she's clever, that means she's a nerd and that means she's a virgin apparently) he'll set her free into the world as a more experienced lover and therefore will not be so shy towards men. I remember his face when he explained his plan, he looked so pleased with himself, as if he'd cured cancer or something. I just found it hilarious and Eiko thought it was gross as the idea of her brother 'wooing' someone was enough to make her barf.

“Dee... You ok?” I shook my head so I could get back to the real world and looked up into a pair of shining eyes, so full of care and love it almost broke my heart.

“Yeah, just a bit shaken is all.” I smiled a small smile up at Andy before resting my hand on his, squeezing it lightly. “I couldn't ask for a better friend if I tried.”

He sighed and his face suddenly looked completely broken as if I'd told him some terrible news. He stood up from his crouching position next to me and looked blankly across the park into the distance. I just stared at him, probably looking just as confused as I felt.

“What's wrong Andy?” I said quietly.

“Doesn't matter,” he said with another sigh before trudging off. I turned to look at the rest of the guys to see if they saw what had just happened and understood it any more than I did. Eiko was looking at the disappearing figure of her brother with pity, Esther was frowning slightly at me and the guys were all staring at me with their eyebrows raised.

“What?!” I demanded – what the hell had I done now.

“Are you that blind Dee, you spoon?!” Martin laughed looking at me in disbelief.

“Wha-...what are you on about?” I stammered, more confused than ever.

“Do you not see how he looks at you?”

“How he looks at me?...”

“He's freakin' crazy for you you idiot! He always has been...” Eiko practically shouted at me. I stared at her for a second, analysing her expression to see if I could see a glimpse of a joke. There wasn't.

“How come I didn't notice it then...?" I asked, meaning it more as a rhetorical question but I still got an answer.

“'Cos you're an dumb ass,” Martin chuckled lightly.

“A dumb ass who doesn't realise how she really feels about him, or has just been to scared to admit it...” Esther trailed off, staring at me with a knowing smirk on her face.

“B-b-b-but I don't... I ...” I trailed off, maybe she was right. No! Andy is just a friend. A friend with a nice ass, my mind added causing me to smirk slightly. A friend who sets your skin on fire when he touches you, my mind added again. A friend who whenever he's been talking to a different girl you've felt a slight ounce of jealousy over.

“Shut up. Okay I get it!” I muttered to myself.

“What?” Esther laughed.

“Urmmm... doesn't matter," I chuckled back.

“Soooo... you gonna go get him or are you gonna give him the terrible line of 'you're like a brother to me'?” Will asked, mimicking a high pitched girls voice. Everyone turned to face me eyebrows raised expectantly.

I raised myself slowly onto my feet and turned to see if I could spot Andy. After a brief scouting session I saw him leaning against a lamppost. I turned and grinned at the rest of them before slinging my bag on my back and running full pelt to him – I needed to get there before the bell went otherwise I knew somehow I'd miss my chance.

I got to Andy in an out-of-breath wreck; he just stared at me looking bemused yet there was a glint of sadness behind his beautiful eyes. I composed myself and smoothed out my skirt before looking up into a face full of love and care, something I'd misinterpreted before but secretly, deep down had always hoped that that's what it truly meant.

I walked slowly up to him chewing my lip as I felt my heart pumping at ten thousand beats per minute. I rested my hands gently on his chest and gave myself a final push of confidence before reaching up quickly on my tip toes and pressing my lips softly to his. He inhaled quickly, obviously shocked, before he kissed me back, wrapping his arms round my waist and pulling me into him. As cliché as it sounds, fireworks exploded in my head as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair.

The school bell rang, causing me to jump slightly as I'd completely forgotten where I was. Andy chuckled softly, resting his forehead against mine. He entwined his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand slightly, giving me the most beautiful smile. I felt my heart melt instantly and I pulled him in for an overly tight hug as energy pulsed through me. “Can't. Breath,” Andy laughed.

“I care?” I smiled up at him a huge cheesy grin.

“I should hope so!” he winked at me before spinning me round and pulling me towards the school doors. For once, everything felt perfect.

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