Chapter 9 - Under Pressure

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** Woooow... yeah sorry for not updating or anything :S Almost completely forgot about this - tried to make it longer than normal to make up for it. Promise to update waaaaay quicker next time. Love y'all! **

“Urmm, I was – he was – just...” I gulped. That was a great sentence Dee, prize for the best liar 2011 goes to you!

“You were?...” Dan glared at me, his eyes boring into mine as if he was picking at my soul making me squirm. What the hell was up with this guy? I'd never done anything to deserve this from him and in the 7 months we'd gone out in, he'd never done anything like this to me!

“He just came in. I didn't invite him or anything I promise, but I just felt really sick so he was giving me some support...”

“Why didn't you just call me baby? If you felt sick I would have been here for you, you know that.” He came and sat next to me on my bed - my head telling me to run for it and to get away from this psychopath as quick as humanly possible but I stayed. If I ran for it he'd just hunt me down anyway, or worse...Andy.

“I... I just didn't think you should have any more on your plate with your whole family situation going on...” I lied hoping he would believe me.

“Aww babe it's fine, I always have time for you and don't forget that. I love you,” he said kissing the top of my head and smiled. I tried to give a genuine looking smile back and held his hand awkwardly. Well at least it felt awkward for me, it didn't seem to for him as he pulled me in closer so I was only inches from his face. His eyes flicked down to my lips and I knew he was going to try to kiss me and I braced myself.

He closed in the gap pressing his lips hard against mine obviously expecting me to kiss back, I couldn't move though, my mind flicked back to this morning and how scary he looked when I would give myself to him. I felt my throat tighten and I began to sweat, praying he wouldn't try to make a move on me. 

“What's wrong Dee?” Dan said angrily, “Why won't you kiss me back?” His eyes turned dark and menacing, “Thinking of your precious lover boy are we?”

“No” I croaked quietly. “ I – I – I just thought... well my mum thinks that if someone's ill then they should be left alone and if she came in now then she wouldn't trust me again...”

“Oh... Sorry. Yeah that makes sense,” he beamed up at me and I relaxed, holding back a sigh of relief. “Well you don't look very unwell now...” he started raking his eyes across my body slowly.

“Umm, yeah, guess it kinda went away after a bit of a rest,” I mumbled.

“I have an idea... Why don't we sneak out of your window and go to my place then – my parents are out with Courtney trying to sort everything out so we'd have the house to ourselves." He raised his eyebrows at me and gave me a cheeky smile which made me squirm inside at the thought.

“I don't know. I don't like disobeying my mum... and I guess I'm not totally feeling better...”

“What the fuck Dee!” He growled, grabbing my arm tightly making me wince. “It is because of that fucker Andy! You don't want me because of him! I'm sure if he offered you to go round his house you'd be all over him!" 

“No! Stop it Dan you're hurting me!!” I cried, “Fine I'll go with you, I just didn't want to upset Mum but if it means that much to you I'll go!” I could feel myself start shaking with panic as I prayed that Mum would hear me and save me as he pulled me closer to the open window.

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