Chapter 3 - Don't Walk Alone

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**It's a short chapter but it seemed the right place to stop so I did! :D Please tell me what you think - any thoughts, critique, I'm nae fussed! 

Oh and btw - I have a facebook group for this story if you wanna check it out, your very welcome to pay me a visit! ;P It's just under 'Undisclosed Desires'.

Exam results tomorrow! Eeeep! Good luck to all other Scottish exam participants!!!** 

“Wake up bitcheeeees!!” Eiko shouted loudly making me jump. “We've got to get this place sorted quickly! Mum and Dad are coming back early and I get the feeling they won't approve of our 'house renovations'. So get off your sorry asses and help me.”

“Yes, sir,” Andy groaned into the back of my head, his face buried in my hair.

“Hey baby, did I ever tell you, you look very sexy in the morning...” he slurred at me, smiling sweetly.

“Oh you are a funny one.” I said croakily, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

“I was being serious,” he whispered in my ear, raising an eyebrow and laughing.

“Ha ha! Love you babes, now get your manky bum up and help your sister!” I laughed, kicking him before springing to my feet and offering him a hand to help him up. He just sat and stared at me for a bit and I couldn't help but feel slightly awkward in my skimpy pj shorts and strappy top. 

“Any time you'd like to stop making me feel awkward I'd appreciate it” I said and with that he grabbed my hand and yanked himself up practically throwing me to the floor but catching me just in time.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, my mind went elsewhere and I just happened to be looking at you at the time,” Andy replied looking at the floor sadly.

“You ok babe?” I asked, softly lifting his chin with my hand.

“Yeah... I'm just fine,” he sighed unconvincingly, taking my hand and squeezing it lightly before getting down on his knees and crawling through the tunnel to the kitchen whilst dragging the roof down with him.

It took us a good few hours to get the house looking less like a bomb site and we just managed to get it sorted before Eiko and Andy's parents burst in looking suspiciously round the house for any signs of alcohol or drugs.

“I hid the weed in the bathroom don't worry guys!” Andy shouted skipping into the kitchen with a huge grin on his face.

“Don't give me that attitude Mr!” Growled his dad. “I demand the utmost respect from my children. I just don't want you going off the rails and getting into drugs, alcohol, girlfriends and boyfriends and not focussing on your studies!” He's far too strict on them I swear. One day Eiko and Andy are going to crack and fly completely off the rails if they're not too careful – I know I probably would if I was as restricted as they were. They're not even allowed out after ten! I mean Andy's seventeen, nearly eighteen for goodness sake, no wonder he's a bit of a mentalist at times.

After every tiny corner of the house had been searched we were all permitted to leave the building and we went our separate ways. Esther and Martin crept off 'slyly', not seeming to realise that everyone was watching as they ran off down the street and round a corner holding hands.

I would pretend to disapprove but A: Martin is pretty darn fit and B: Esther's a smart girl who knows exactly when to say no, and when things get over pushy from a guy she has a reputation of knowing exactly where to kick. Much to Eiko's obvious disappointment, Simon left without dragging her off down a street but even if he'd tried Andy would have beaten the life out of him. He's quite overprotective when it comes to his little sister, which I suppose is to be expected but he takes it to a whole other level! He broke a guy's nose once when the bloke made Eiko cry after dumping her. Andy claims it was a mere demonstration to every other guy that they shouldn't hurt his little sister but we all know he just has very little self control when it comes to those who he loves.

I ended up having lunch with them before making my way home listening to my iPod. I was drifting on down a side street when I felt a hand clasp tightly around my arm and I was thrown down an even smaller alleyway. The sound of heavy breathing filled my head as I felt the warm, stinking air touch my neck, sending shivers right across my body. I tried to scream but my throat was too dry and it came out as a whisper and then a dirty hand covered my mouth while another hand started searching around my body, groping me hard. I tried to wrestle free but whoever it was they were too strong and had me pinned tightly. I could feel tears running down my face as I knew struggling wasn't doing anything apart from make the guy angry. I could feel his free hand moving further down my body, dread filling my every thought and my tears became heavier; I closed my eyes, waiting for the nightmare to be over. 

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