Chapter 6 - Family Feuds

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**Soooo, chapter 6! Not an amazingly long chapter by a long shot but it seemed like a good place to stop - school starting back up again on Tuesday.. :( gutteeeed! Dunno if it'll effect how fast I upload this story though 'cause most of it's already written anyway... oh well, we'll see ;)

Comment/vote please? Could do with a lil boost... feelin' blue...**

Then I understood. 

Courtney was Daniel's sister and never failed to cause family issues. She was the definition of 'a free spirited woman'; she worked for the government doing some strange secret stuff and was pretty buff for a woman. I'd only ever met her once and she seemed quite friendly, a bit too matter-of-fact for my liking but at least she smiled and talked to me.

Courtney was the type of girl who could be spotted instantly in a crowd; she was strikingly tall, long straight hair – usually pulled back into a high ponytail – piercing blue eyes, beautiful bone structure and a fantastic body shape. Confident was an understatement when it came to her and she could destroy any man who came after her, especially considering she used to do any form of martial arts she could. Daniel and I decided that she worked as a ninja spy like you see in those films 'cause she didn't half act like it.

She'd always been a bit of a 'troubled child' apparently: getting drunk; starting fights; getting with guys left right and centre; causing many family arguments. Her parents kicked her out at one point Daniel told me, as she was 'taking the family for granted'. She used to use Daniel as a distraction so she could sneak out of the house. She also made him go down to the shop to steal alcohol for her when she was at a party and had forgotten to take any with her. When she did finally leave home they all had a massive argument causing the family to split in half as Courtney wanted to go work for the government.

Daniel's parents didn't approve of this work choice as they wanted her to do something A: more lady-like and B: more intellectual, like becoming a doctor or a scientist. Daniel explained to me once that he was always on his sister's side as he just wanted her to be happy and he didn't want to lose her.

Unfortunately after the argument between parents and offspring, Courtney lost all contact with the family. Daniel then refused to get along with his parents who then began constantly having arguments with each other and the whole house hadn't been the same since.

I wiped the tears off my face, hoping to God my eyes hadn't gone too puffy, took a deep breath and opened the door. I looked up at Dan with my head down. His face looked so panicked and I swear I could see his eyes watering slightly. I threw my arms round his neck so tightly I doubt he could breath and nuzzled my face into his neck. I felt so relieved I forgot we were in the girl's toilets until some first years walked in and burst into fits of giggles before running out causing me to burst out laughing.

“Some people are going to get the wrong idea when we walk out of here together you know,” I laughed, sniffling slightly.

“Let them believe what they want, as long as they know you're mine that's all I care about.” He stared down at me with the sweetest smile making my heart pound. I've never seen Daniel look so vulnerable before, he looked as if he was going to break down at any second. I picked up his hand, entwining his fingers with mine and squeezed lightly, smiling happily at him. With that his eyes lit up and he gave me a huge smile before yanking me up into his arms and cradling me like a baby.

“You're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you...” I murmured back, resting my head against his chest.

“I love you more,” he laughed sticking his tongue out at me making me laugh before walking out to the corridor.

“You gonna put me down at any point or am I going to get carried the whole way round the school?”

“Hmmmm, I think I feel like carrying you,” he grinned.

“What if I'd rather not be stared at and prefer walking?”

“Then you're just gonna have to deal with it baby!” He chuckled. I tried to struggle from his arms but he held me tight, laughing his head off as he carried me outside. To say we got a few odd looks would be a huge understatement as he took me over to the rest of our crew who had been joined by Andy, Martin and Simon. They just looked at my face and ruffled up hair and burst into fits of laughter which lasted for about five minutes until the bell rang and we all had to go in. Luckily Dan let go of me then so I could walk freely again but held my hand tightly instead and I rested my head happily on his arm.

After the bell rang for the end of school I drifted slowly to the gate, Eiko and Esther had ended up having to stay late to clear up the H.E department with some other people apparently as they had 'accidentally' started a food fight with some guys on the other side of the room while their teacher had gone to collect some papers from the office.

Don't get me wrong, I found it absolutely hilarious but I really wish they hadn't done it today. I could have done with someone to walk with and as Daniel was at footie practice (which they refuse to let anyone watch as it distracts them or something) I seemed to have no one.

I wavered at the school gates pondering on the idea of hanging round the school for a few hours until they got set free but then remembered the last time I tried to hang about here and decided against it. The school has some strange policy about people staying back after hours and force you to start cleaning out bins and mopping floors etc. neither of which I was in the mood for.

I walked slowly down the pavement, twitching at the slightest noise. My head was thumping making me feel dizzy so I lent against a wall and tried to take deep breaths

“Get a grip girl!” I mentally slapped myself and shook my head. I wiped my suddenly sweaty forehead and looked down the now empty street; everyone must have raced home as quick as humanly possible to get away from this place of mental torture. As if from no where I felt a pair of hand grip me round the waist and pull me backwards. I turned around and gave whoever it was the hardest punch I could before backing away quickly.

“Holy f*ck Dee! It's me ok!!!” I stared at Andy with my mouth open unable to move. He looked up at me rubbing his cheek before chuckling lightly at my expression. “Sorry, I forgot that probably wasn't the best way to approach you,” he smiled weakly.

“Urmm, no. I'm sorry... Shouldn't have punched... Just scared...” I stammered, breathing heavily.

“Hey Dee, don't worry babe. It was only me ok – I just thought you'd want some company while walking after everything that's happened.” He held my head in his hand and gazed directly in my eyes and said something under his breath before pulling me in for a hug.

“What did you just say?” I managed to croak out.

“Doesn't matter beautiful,” he said quietly before releasing me from his grip and slinging his arm round my shoulder. He walked me all the way to my house which is in the complete opposite direction of his which I thought was sweet, and stopped at my gate.

“I think this is your stop you pretty lil thing” he said pinching my cheeks lightly making me laugh.

“You want to come in? We have cookies!!!”

“N'aaaw!” he laughed, “I got a chemistry report thing to write.” I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I loved being around Andy, he made me so happy all the time with his outrageous and usually inappropriate jokes. “Oh please don't look so disappointed! It breaks my heart babe,” he whimpered making me chuckle.

“You're so cute!” I giggle ruffling his messy hair.

“Not as cute as you!” He replied kissing my nose before walking off. Did he just kiss me? Technically I think he just did... Wow. If Daniel saw that Andy would be dead! I don't know what his problem is with Andy, he's just my friend and always has been. We've always been this close, I don't know what's different about it now – or maybe I'm just noticing Dan's hostility towards him now. Either way, it's completely unnecessary...

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