Legend Meets Guardian

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The flame sky burns bright

The sun is fading before the night

There had been a fight

And the phoenix had to take flight

                                                                     -Book of the Blaze

§§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§    §§§ 

Fenix sat outside at the edge of the town on a wooden fence post waiting for the person he was supposed to be "guiding" until they reached the place that the humans know as, The Edge. He was not happy about this whatsoever. He felt as if they were misusing his ability and he should really be the one doing the protecting. Not some simple mortal.

He looked up into the sky where the mammoth clouds slowly floated across the great blue arena. His arms were crossed and he had a harsh look on his face. He looked back across the open fields watching the town from afar as the smoke rose from the chimneys and the horse-pulled carts travelled in and out from the gates. Things had changed a lot since he had been on the world centuries ago. He was treated as if a god, but now he was at the lowest level he could possibly be-- a human.

A cool breeze blew across his pale face that had small scars from where the stone had crumbled away and he too showed the damage. Some would consider it punishment for not forcing the people to continue to take care of the shrine, but he couldn't have helped anything. He wasn't like those others.

He continued to watch the fields, grumbling to himself. He has supposed to meet the "New Guardian" soon and guide him to the same place that he had once stood and saved the land from almost certain perish. He felt betrayed.

There were footsteps behind him and he sat up, turning around to see a hooded man walking up to him, keeping his gaze to the ground.

They both were silent for a moment and he waited for the hooded man to speak first.

"I take it you are my guide?" he asked sounding more like a statement than a question.

Fenix snorted, "I am more than a guide. I am--" he cut himself off remembering what Giles had told him back when he was explaining the mission to him. He away snootily. "Yes, I am your guide." he mumbled angrily.

"Well then" the soft voice began. "We will leave at once to Escia." he said turning and Fenix caught a glimpse of golden blonde hair.

He hopped down from the fence. "Wait, are we not going to take some sort of transportation?" he asked, catching up to him.

"We will get horses at Escia, they are known for their horses after all." he said confidently.

"Right..." he trailed off, his amber eyes blinking. "So to whom may I address you by?" Fenix asked trying to peer around the hood as they walked to see what he looked like.

"Is it not rude to ask of my name before stating one's own?" he replied adjusting the crates of items that were tied onto his back that were traveling supplies.

Fenix let out a deep exhalation. "My name is--" he thought back to the same conversation Giles had with him.

"You will go by the name of Luke Fenton. You cannot let him know who you are until the time is right."

"My name is Luke Fenton." he said softer, in defeat. 

He looked up to Fenix, and he finally got a good look at the hooded man's face. He had soft, and somewhat tanned skin with bright blue eyes to go with a few freckles and from what he saw of the hair, he had short blonde hair that went just above his shoulders. Fenix frowned deeply, this man shouldn't even be considered one, he looks young and immature. A soft face with not a single stubble. A boy. This is what this "Guardian" was; this is who the land has entrusted to save them from the dwindling darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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