Chapter 3

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The number calling wasn't saved in his phone and so he answered.


"Hey it's Dex, yo I just got done fucking your bitch." Tyler tensed up and tried not to cry. "Come on lil man, I know you wanna cry" he snickered.

"Fuck you! Seriously stop shoving this shit in my face."

"Nah, I'm good. Do you wanna know who's name she called during climax this morning?"

"I'd prefer not to hear"

"My name. And you know why? Because she's never had a real dick."

Tyler hung up so he could cry. His eyes burned this time. He felt so pathetic and embarassed. Immediately after clearly realizing what just had happened, he felt enraged. Beating Dex's ass sounded like the best option, but when and where? He decided to call Remy.

"Hey Ty-ty. What's up?"

"Do you know where Dex lives?"



", why?"

"Because I just got off the phone with him and he said that he and Sally just fucked and I wanna beat the shit out of his ass. He is realllllyyy on my last nerve. He's been fucking with Sally for months now. I know it."

"Honey, calm down. You're thinking the worst things possible. You are going through a lot, fighting somebody would definitely not be the best of ideas right now. Sally obviously doesn't care, so you need to move on."

"Why the fuck would she do this to me? Like, she knows my parents just got divorced and that my sister is in to drugs. She chose the worst time for me."

"Look, you cannot let her bitch ass get to you. And.."

"Do you not understand that this is gonna get to me? I fucking loved her! Hearing everything I am hearing is killing me."

"I'm sorry...I'm always here. I know I'm not the best with advice, but I can try."

"Please don't leave me. Like ever. You are the only person left who cares."

"I promise I won't. And I will never ever ever ever do anything to hurt you." Tyler smiled and almost completely forgot about Sally for a second, and then BAM! Remy brought her back up. "You need to move on from her...I know you don't want to and I know it's easier said then done..but I don't want to see you upset any longer."

"I can try. I will try. For you."

"Okay Ty-ty, well I have gotta go. I love you."

"I love you too."

(Tylers pov)

What if Remy has loved me all along? She always says she loves me and shit, but she WANTS me to move on! What if that's her saying that she wants me? She knows me inside and out and I don't know...maybe I'm over thinking. She's all I've got at the moment, maybe I'm just being irrational.

I look at the time. Shit! It's 6:30 PM!!! I was supposed to be at work a half an hour ago. I quickly throw on my shoes, grab my keys off the front counter and sprint out the front door. I open the car door and sit down in the driver seat.

I go to put the keys in the ignition, but when I turn it, the car stalls out.

"Fuck me!" I scream.

The car is refusing to start and I'm already late. I decide to call my boss.

"Hey, it's Tyler. Sorry I'm late, I slept through my alarm and my car won't start. I don't know if I can make it in today."

"I don't care. You're fired. Don't bother trying to come to work."


"You're fired."

And with that he hung up on me.

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