Chapter Seven.

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Grave's POV.
I woke up the next morning with an empty spot in my bed which was the spot Chris had fallen asleep in. I sighed and looked around, then noticed there were rose petals leading to my bathroom door and a note on the bathroom door.

"Open the door to the unknown." I read aloud as I smirked. I opened the door and there was a nice bubble bath with candles lit around it. I smiled and shook my head in disbelief. When did he even have time to do this?

"I couldn't sleep after what we had done so I uh... I did this for you." His voice startled me and I turned around to see him there, no clothes on. I blushed a little and tried to avoid looking down. He got in the bath tub and looked over at me as if to ask if I was going to join him, so I slowly walked over to him and got in. He pulled me closer to his body and I took in a deep breath. Just breathe, Grave. You had sex with him last night, seeing him naked should be okay by now, right?
From down stairs I could hear music playing, signifying that my mom and dad were awake and getting ready for Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. I had completely forgotten about it. That's when my mom and dad barged into my room.  I could hear them whispering about Chris and me. We then heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Grave, Chris, we know you two are in the middle of something but it'd be great if you two could come help us down stairs. Bryan and Johnnie went home for today." They probably only went home so they wouldn't have to help with everything. Chris and I agreed to come help and we got out then got ready. Of course, Chris was ready before I was so when he saw me walk down stairs in my dress, his jaw hit the ground. He grabbed me and picked me up then kissed my forehead.

"You look beautiful, Grave. But your wrist is rather naked so I think this will look good on you." He said as he pulled out a black box. He opened it and revealed an infinity bracelet. I smiled at him as he placed it on my wrist. "Now your complete." I heard my parents make an "awe" sound and then they turned on Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz. My parents weren't just shipping Chris and me, apparently. They were luxury cruising this shit.

"Dance with me." Chris demanded as I walked into the kitchen. I looked at him and laughed, then shook my head.

"I don't dance." I told him as I started getting the potatoes ready. He smiled and walked over to me, then wrapped his arm around my waist. He grabbed my hand with his free hand. I knew where to place my other hand so I put it on his shoulder.

"See, it's not that hard." He stated as he smiled down at me. He was so tall that I could barely reach his shoulder. We started swaying and that's when my mom popped up with the camera to take a picture of us. I hid my face in Chris's chest and he lightly laughed. I could feel his heart beat through his chest.

"Taylor, give the kids some space." My dad said as he walked in and wrapped his arms around my mom. I always wanted a relationship like they had, and I think I found that.
After a long day of cooking and fun with Chris, we finally sat down to eat.

"So Chris, why aren't you with your family for Thanksgiving?" My mom asked as she looked at him. I was kind of curious myself.

"I really like spending time with Grave. She's an amazing girl and I also really like having people around. You guys are like an actual family, and I love it." Chris explained as he gripped my hand. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek.
After dinner, I went outside to think for awhile. I sat on the porch swing, thinking about everything. I mean, does Chris even love me, or am I just a sex slave? He hasn't even officially asked me out. My thoughts were broken when I heard the front door open. Chris came out holding two mugs and a fluffy Jack Skellington blanket.

"It's cold outside so I figured I'd bring you some hot chocolate and a blanket. Everything okay, Grave?" Chris stated as he sat down beside me. I sighed.

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