Chapter Eleven.

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Grave's POV.

Later that night we all joined together on the couch to watch Elf and Rudolph. I started laughing while we watched Elf and Chris looked down at me.

"Your laugh is so cute." He said as he smiled and caressed my cheek. I smiled back at him and then noticed the door bell had rang.

"Who is that?" I asked my mom as I stood up. She shrugged and I opened the door. Five men stood before me and Chris got up. He smiled at them and I noticed who they were. They were the rest of Motionless in White. I invited them in and they all tackled me with hugs.

"Chris told us you were carrying his kid!" Ricky shouted as he hugged me. I smiled and nodded.

"Would you guys like some hot chocolate?" I asked them I started my way to the kitchen. They all said yes and Chris followed me in.

"I wasn't expecting them to show up here. I guess they tracked my phones location." Chris informed me as he helped me. I smiled at him.

"I don't mind them coming over here. They're nice people." I stated as I filled the mugs with hot water. Chris kissed my cheek and then Ghost walked in. He didn't have any of his makeup on and his eyebrows weren't drawn on.

"Hey, marshmallow." Chris joked as he leaned over the counter and rested his head on his palm. Ghost stuck his tongue out at him and then turned his attention to me.

"So how long have you been pregnant?" Ghost asked as he smiled at me.

"About five days." I informed him. Chris looked at me.

"And you didn't tell me sooner?" Chris asked as he gave me wide eyes.

"I wanted it to be a Christmas surprise." I told him as I kissed his cheek.

"Best surprise ever, baby." Chris told me. I smiled and he kissed me.

"You guys are too cute." I heard Bryan say as he walked in. I smiled at him as well. I was always happy around these times. The presents were out, we had family around, and food. The food was always the best part.
We spent the rest of the night hanging out with the guys, and we tried to ignore the subject of the baby as much as possible. I eventually fell asleep on the couch next to Chris and woke up to him carrying me up to my room bridal style. It didn't take me long to fall  back asleep, though.
When I woke up the next morning I heard the band shouting my name and then Chris shook me awake.

"What? What time is it?" I asked as I groaned and stretched.

"It's 7:30am and Christmas! Get up!" Angelo shouted as he jumped onto my bed. He was like a child. Chris pushed him off and Angelo looked at him with a questioning look.

"Pregnant lady in a bed that your jumping on. That is not safe." Chris explained. I groaned loudly and got out of bed, then walked down stairs.

"Good morning, Grave and merry Christmas!" My mom and dad shouted as they hugged me. I hugged back and then sat down on the couch. I got tons of clothes but probably wouldn't be able to wear them until after I had the baby.
After presents and all of that stuff, we waited for the sausage balls to finish baking so we'd have something to snack on while we wait for the actual food, which didn't finish because my dad accidentally caught the turkey on fire. So we ended up ordering wings and pizza. What a great Christmas meal?
Over the next eight and a half months I was out on the road with Chris and his band, and let me tell you, it was fucking hell and so crowded so when we got home I was so thankful. But did that baby want to wait? Hell no. It had to come as soon as I got home so I was rushed to the hospital. At first I was fine, but then the painful contractions hit and I got really moody.

"Get out of me!" I shouted as I pushed more. I was throwing curse words here and there and at one point I threatened to cut Chris's dick off. But finally, after hours and hours of pain, Chris and I were the proud parents of a healthy baby boy. Well, we thought he was healthy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cerulli, we need to speak with you." The nurse said as she pulled us away from the nursery window. We followed her into a room, where a doctor was waiting.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cerulli. Please, take a seat." The doctor said as he shook our hands. We did as he asked. We were all smiles until we got the news.

"So, I really hate to tell you this, but your baby boy will only have two years to live." The doctor informed us. Our smiles faded.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked the doctor. He handed me a file.

"Your boy has something called adrenoleukodystrophy, also known as ALD. It's kind of rare to catch it this early, but your boy is showing signs of it. Now, he may have more time. He could have a good seven years, but that's highly unlikely." The doctor explained.

"I learned about it in Biology. It's an X-linked mutation, basically." I said quietly. Chris was frozen and just didn't know what to say. To be honest, neither did I.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked as he looked at Chris and I with sympathetic eyes.

"No! We're not fucking okay! We were just told that our son has two years to live!" Chris shouted. I grabbed his hand and held it. He squeezed my hand and we stood up.

"We could put him in trials. It'll slow down the affects." The doctor informed us. I shook my head.

"They're just trials, they could speed up the process, but we won't know until another kid dies, now will we?" I spat as I left the room.
I looked at my son through the nursery window and then turned to Chris. He pulled me close to him and I sobbed into his chest and cried. This was actually the first time I had even see Chris this upset as well.

"We can start him on some sort of treatment." The nurse said as she tapped my shoulder. I looked up at Chris.

"Whatever it takes, I want to do it. This is my son we're talking about." Chris calmly said. So they started him on some sort of unofficial treatment that had worked on other kids in the past.
We were able to bring home Devin Christopher Cerulli, our son, about two weeks later. He seemed like the normal baby. Eating, sleeping, taking shits. That's all kids do. And that's what he was doing. I still never had him out of my sight, and if I did he'd be with Chris who actually decided to move here.
Two years passed and he was still acting normal. His speech was increasing and he even recognized the band members, who were coming out to visit today.
When they got here, Devin ran up to them and Ghost picked him up.

"Why don't you go play with grandma and grandpa." I said as I smiled at Devin. He smiled back at me and Ghost put him down.

"How's he doing?" Josh asked as we st on the couch. I looked over at my happy son.

"He's doing good. It doesn't make any sense, though. Two years ago they said it'd be unlikely that he'd live for two years. But now he's about to be three." I told the guys. They all looked over at Devin who was laughing.

"He's still sick, just not showing it. He's like his mom." Chris stated, nudging me. I laughed a little.

"He's strong. I don't have any concerns." I assured the band.
I guess I spoke too soon that day because I woke up the next morning with Chris and my dad freaking out...

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