Chapter 5: Found Out

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When I woke on Monday morning, the swelling in my ankle had, again, gone down considerably, and I felt as though I could walk like a normal person again. It could’ve been a record for fast-healing sprains, but I didn’t care. Today was the day I had to talk to him. And worse, it would be right in the middle of the school day, surrounded by teenagers that had no idea of the tension settling between teacher and student just to their left.

I showered slowly, mulling over the possibilities of what I would say. By the end of the shower, I had decided on just telling him that I knew I recognized him from somewhere and that whatever decision he decided to make was fine by me. I would not tell him that if he decided to shun me for the rest of my life, I would be scarred for the remainder of my years at Central. I would not tell him that if he decided to continue being not-friendzoned-friends, I would be ecstatic enough for the both of us. And I would not, ever, tell him how much I had wanted to invite him in when he had dropped me off. That would seem desperate...despite the truth in it.

I pondered what to wear. It was a normal school day for everyone else, and if I dressed up just to say hi to a teacher, it would definitely raise suspicions. But I couldn’t just wear some stupid band t-shirt and jeans. But, in my attempt to lay low, I did exactly that. With the Coldplay’s latest album plastered across my chest, and faded skinny jeans that led down my legs to the Converse I adored so much, I felt prepared. I brushed my hair, letting it air-dry like I always did. I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard, unwrapping it and sticking it in my mouth while I grabbed my bag, just like I always did. And then I remembered my lack of bike.

Now rushing to get to school even remotely on time, I ran to the landline and feverishly dialed Jesse’s number. As the rings flew by, I glanced at the clock. Shiiit...


I sighed in relief. “Thank God, Jess. I just remembered I don’t have my bike to get to school, and Dad left twenty minutes ago, and Mom’s been at work since three, and I don’t know who else I call!”

“Oh, God, Jess, I’m so sorry, but the family went out to eat last night, and I got food poisoning. I’ve been up since midnight puking my guts out. I wish I could help.” I could hear the guilt in his voice, as well as the way he scrunched up his mouth whenever he got a taste of the grossness on his tongue.

“Oh, jeez, I had no idea, Jess, sorry. You should’ve called me, I would’ve been over in a flash to, I don’t know, hold back your hair or something.” I laughed, and felt my spirits rise ever so slightly when he did, too. At least his optimism wasn’t lost along with the contents of his stomach. “I’ll see who else I can call. Maybe I can walk really, really fast.”

“I’ll talk to my mom, see what she can do. Or you could just take my car. The keys are in my room, if you feel like stealing it.”

I scoffed. “You’d really lend your car to someone without a license? I don’t think you’re thinking straight...”

“Oh, that’s right...Guess you’re walkin!’”

I smirked. “Thanks. I’ll stop by after school with some soup or something, yeah?”

“I’m not gonna turn that down. See ya.”

The line clicked as he hung up, and I grimaced. I was worse off than I was before without a best friend waiting for me at school.

I trudged out the door with my bag and my granola bar in hand, beginning the long trek to the school that was a solid two and a half miles away. On my bike, it would’ve been a blast; drying my hair in the wind was really beneficial. But without the speed and ease of the bike, I wouldn’t be getting there on time even if I ran the entire way. Not to mention the wear and tear my ankle would be getting with all this walking.

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