Chapter 27: Recovery

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This is getting tiring, goodness...So I just reread my other student/teacher story, The Heat of the Shade (which, if you've READ it, is a beautifully punny title), and ya know, some of that writing is kinda good, I think you should probably maybe check it out while I'm totally Britta-ing this one up (COMMUNITY REFERENCE). Anyway, I've decided I'm going to end this in 31 chapters. Don't know how, but that's it. 31 is the stop. If I can, 30, just because it's an even number...OKAY HERE WE GO THE BIG STUFF IS STARTING TO HAPPEN

I finally did come to after a little while, this time for real. My mother said I could go home as long as I felt ready, and with those words I was in the car faster than...a really fast thing. Shush, I'm still disoriented; I got in a car crash, okay?

When we got home, my mother said that Dad had gone back to work and that she had to, as well, and that she loved me and not to get out of bed. How I was supposed to get better if I couldn't make myself any food or anything, I'm not sure, but that didn't end up mattering, because the landline eventually rang.

Thankfully, I have a line right next to my bed, so I didn't have to move much (although it wouldn't have killed me to, anyway) to reach it. I quickly answered and grumbled a greeting.


I paled. Goddammit, it was him. "Um...yeah?"

I heard a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God, I didn't know if you would be awake to--I'm gonna come over."

I raised my eyebrows. "What? Why?"

"So I can help get you better."

I closed my eyes. God, I was gonna have to do it now, wasn't I? "Erm, Stephen, I...I don't think we should see each other anymore."

The silence on the other end was deafening.

"I just, it's too risky, and I'm feeling really...not good about the whole thing with Mark, and I majorly need a break from everything right now, I mean, I almost got raped and then the next morning I got in a car crash that really injured my best friend, so I just--"

"I understand." His voice was soft, and I could hear the sadness in his tone. But I couldn't let him get to me, otherwise I'd give in to my left brain's attempts to make me return. All I could find the strength to say was, "I'm sorry."

I could almost hear his nod before he muttered, "I guess I'll see you at Homecoming," and hung up.

Oh, God...I'd done it. I was officially single. The man I really liked (loved was too serious, of course) was now just a teacher at my school, and the boy I'd left him for was in the hospital. Homecoming would be attended alone, and with a sprained wrist. Life is good...

I managed to sleep away most of the day, and upon waking up, I didn't want to be. I wondered if I should skip school tomorrow...I heard the front door open and immediately pretended to be asleep. I heard the steps nearing my room, climbing the stairs...It couldn't be my mom this early in the day, and Dad wouldn't spare me five minutes; Jesse was in the hospital...who...?

I heard my door creak open and closed my eyes. The steps rounded my bed and I heard a thump of something being set on my desk. I stirred, hoping I was acting semi-natural. I groaned and opened my eyes, just as I felt the weight of my bed shift as somebody sat down. Glancing up their body, I winced. It was Stephen.

"How'd you get in here?" I mumbled, sitting up slightly and rubbing my eyes.

He shrugged. "Your hide-a-key isn't very hidden..."

I exhaled in frustration and collapsed back into my bed, laying an arm over my eyes. "What're you doing here? This isn't normal break up behavior, is it?"

He laughed under his breath. "No, I was...Bringing you some schoolwork. And Jesse's, too. I don't know why; your mother said that you'd be able to go to school tomorrow, I just...I wanted an excuse to see you. And that was before..." He trailed off, and I felt my heart crumble a bit.

I removed my arm and sat up quickly, muttering, "Okay, I'm gonna say I'm really sorry and I didn't want to do this, but it's for the best. And you know that, despite being such a romantic idiot." He smirked at that remark. "We were going to get caught, and you would've been fired and accused of statutory rape, and everything would've fallen apart. Not to mention the hectic week I've had that DOESN'T involve you directly..."

"I'm so sorry about Mark, Leslie. He...I doubt he'll be getting invited back into my apartment for a very long time."

I shook my head. "That's nice, but he was drunk, and most peoples morals sort of evaporate when alcohol gets in their systems. At least, I think that's what happens..." I shuddered. "Either way, this was never a good idea. It really just...wasn't. So, I thought it best to end it and just continue on our own paths. No one has to know, okay? Jesse will keep his mouth shut, and that's that." I gestured to the door. "You should probably go, though. I need my rest and...healing has to be done, right?"

He nodded and rose from the bed. He turned back as he reached the door. "I've almost finished your mixtape."

I smiled sadly down at the bedspread. "You could probably give me that when it's finished. And I'll return all your stuff tomorrow at the dance. Oh, and can you go warn my boss that I've been in a car accident and can't come in today? I'm too tired to call..." I settled back into the covers as he nodded and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

God, I'm a manipulative bitch...

THIS IS SO DIFFICULT GUYS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I barely have the energy to write, and I told myself I would finish this by the New Year! UGH I'M SUCH A FAILURRREEEE. Anyway, I'm going to say, once more, that you should read The Heat of the Shade, because that's what I'm going to be working on once this one is over, and then later I'll actually plan out a plot and things instead of just writing on a whim, and it'll be way better than this one, really. OKAY GOTTA STOP TALKING NOW AND GO GET READY FOR BREAKFAST, LOVE YOU GUYS WAY TOO MUCH

--blurghtastic is being difficult and says I KNOW I'M DEAD ON THE SURFACE, BUT I AM SCREAMING UNDERNEATH

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